34 h
103 h
238 h
"Don't starve together" est la version multijoueur du jeu de survie "Don't starve". Perdu dans un environnement étrange, essayez de survivre le plus longtemps avec vos amis en luttant contre les créatures, la nuit et surtout la faim.
Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 36, soit un pourcentage de 0 %
Afficher : Tout • Obtenu • Pas obtenu
Filtrer : Platine (0/1)
Or (0/5)
Argent (0/10)
Bronze (0/20)
Survived 20 consecutive days.
Built a Science Machine.
Built an Alchemy Engine.
Built a Shadow Manipulator.
Built a Prestihatinator.
Willingly jumped down a gross hole.
Struck a deal with a large porky monarch.
Harvested some sweet, sweet honey from an overflowing beebox.
Demonstrated your formidable sewing skills.
Had six simultaneous pigman followers. What a party!
Had four simultaneous rock lobster followers. Snappy!
Found a hole in the ground. Wow!
You felt the earth move under your feet and the sky tumblin' down.
Travelled in the exact opposite of style.
Visited a public world.
Showed everyone your true feelings with an emote.
Donned a fashionable character skin.
Crafted a new clothing item with the help of a mysterious Innkeeper.
Survived 35 consecutive days.
Survived 55 consecutive days.
Grew a pretty flower. Aw.
Hosted a public world for 40 consecutive days.
Brought a friend back from the dead.
Give resources to a new player after establishing yourself for 20 days.
Survived 70 consecutive days.
You filled your trophy case to brimming.
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Survie ou Gestion sur Playstation 4
Merci à Key qui a créé cette fiche
Un jeu à la fois adorable et creepy.
Version PCun bon jeu sur le quelle passé des heures a tout faire pour survivre
Version PC 15 h de jeu