
Durée moyenne du jeu

112 h

Date de sortie EUR

19 février 2009

Date de sortie JP

31 janvier 2008

Date de sortie USA

26 août 2008

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice est un jeu de rôle tactique sur PS3. Le joueur suit les exploits de Mao, l'étudiant le plus estimé de l'Académie du Mal, malgré le fait qu'il n'ait jamais assisté à aucun cours ni ouvert le moindre livre de classe.
Mao rêve de renverser son père, le président de l'école, et décide donc de devenir un héros pour y parvenir.



9 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

3 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar ParadoxPanda
  • avatar Kennyshin
  • avatar lorenzo37

2 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Elshykar
  • avatar Axel

2 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar elven
  • avatar Papy

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 51, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/3) Argent Argent (0/5) Bronze Bronze (0/42)

  • BronzeItem Warrior

    Beat floors 1 to 100 in an Item World without exiting.

  • BronzeDefeat Wise Innocents

    Defeat Wise Innocents in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat UFO?

    Defeat UFO? in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Eryngi Pirates

    Defeat Eryngi Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Donnax2 Pirates

    Defeat Donnax2 Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Lucky Pirates

    Defeat Lucky Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Cheerates

    Defeat the Cheerates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Cowboy Pirates

    Defeat the Cowboy Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Asian Pirates

    Defeat the Asian Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Sports Pirates

    Defeat the Sports Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Pirate Cleaners

    Defeat the Pirate Cleaners in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Ghost Pirates

    Defeat the Ghost Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Z Pirates

    Defeat Z Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Horizon Pirates

    Defeat the Horizon Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat UFO Pirates(?)

    Defeat the UFO Pirates(?) in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Pirate Club

    Defeat the Pirate Club in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Garden Pirates

    Defeat the Garden Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Boney Pirates

    Defeat the Boney Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Kit Cat Pirates

    Defeat the Kit Cat Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Element Pirates

    Defeat the Element Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Shinsengumi

    Defeat the Shinsengumi in the Item World.

  • BronzeDefeat Red Pirates

    Defeat the Red Pirates in the Item World.

  • BronzeTreasure Raider

    Get all the treasure boxes in the Treasure Room in the Item World.

  • BronzeObey the Cat God

    Talk to the Cat God at the top of the Treasure Tower.

  • BronzeReverse Bandit

    Get all the Reverse Pirating treasure boxes.

  • BronzeWho Wants to be a Milliondamagaire

    Do over 1,000,000 damage.

  • Bronze100,000,000 Damage Pyramid

    Do over 100,000,000 damage.

  • BronzeAttack of the Counter 10

    Counter Attack over 10 times.

  • BronzeCinco de Panelo

    Clear Geo Panels with 5 color changes in a row.

  • Bronze10 Block Combo

    Clear Geo Blocks with 10 color changes in a row.

  • BronzeConsult Your Physician

    Play for over 10 hours without stopping.

  • BronzeABC´s of Hitting

    Get hit by ABC Gum.

  • Bronze10 Piece Combo Meal

    Defeat an enemy with 10 combos or more.

  • BronzeJumptastic !

    Jump inside Evil Academy 100 times.

  • BronzeThe Ten Towers

    Defeat an enemy with a 10 story tower.

  • BronzeAxel´s Rose

    Find Axel in the Item World.

  • BronzePersuade by Force

    Force the Student Council to approve your Home Room request.

  • BronzeCombo No. 255

    Accomplish over 255 combos in battle.

  • BronzeCapture Enemy

    Capture an enemy during battle.

  • BronzeMagichangician

    Magichange 5 times in a battle.

  • BronzeReceive 4, Move 20

    Receive 4 times and move over 20 panels.

  • BronzeReceive 9, Move 60

    Receive 9 times and move over 60 panels.

  • ArgentTrophy Shop Trophy

    Get a Trophy from a Trophy Shop on the 90th floor.

  • ArgentDefeat Prinny Pirates

    Defeat the Prinny Pirates in the Item World.

  • ArgentDefeat 10 Gents Pirates

    Defeat the 10 Gents Pirates in the Item World.

  • ArgentDefeat Baal Pirates

    Defeat the Baal Pirates in the Item World.

  • ArgentReverse Robber

    Steal from all the Innocents while Reverse Pirating.

  • OrCarnagenist

    Beat floors 1 to 100 in a Land of Carnage Item World without exiting.

  • OrReverse Viking

    Steal from all the Innocents and treasure boxes while Reverse Pirating.

  • OrThe Ten Billion Damage Man

    Do over 10,000,000,000 damage.

  • Platine4.0 GPA

    Get all other trophies.

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Merci à Kennyshin qui a créé cette fiche