
Date de sortie EUR JP USA

24 octobre 2023

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Cities Skylines II est la suite du célèbre city builder éponyme. Comme en 2015, le joueur devra construire et développer sa ville, veillant à prendre les bonnes décisions pour la faire prospérer. Comme indiqué sur Steam, ce second volet s'annonce comme la simulation urbaine "la plus réaliste et ambitieuse" qui soit.



8 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

9 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

1 membre a mis en pause

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Cragger

4 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Perenoel65
  • avatar xXRoiDeCoeurXx
  • avatar Lizee
  • avatar WarGik

Trophées du jeu

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  • BronzeMy First City

    Build city with residential, commercial and industrial zones, water, and electricity.

  • BronzeStrength Through Diversity

    Have buildings from all four zone types in a single city.

  • BronzeRoyal Flush

    Reach enough milestones to unlock all city services in a single city.

  • BronzeAll Smiles

    Have at least 1000 citizens and an average happiness rating of 75%.

  • BronzeThe Explorer

    Unlock 50 map tiles in a single city.

  • BronzeMaking a Mark

    Build 5 signature buildings in a single city.

  • BronzeColossal Gardener

    Plant 100 trees or bushes with the landscaping tool in a single city.

  • BronzeExecutive Decision

    Assign a policy to a city district.

  • BronzeHappy to Be of Service

    Create a city district and assign a city service to that district.

  • BronzeFour Seasons

    Experience all four seasons by building a city in a climate with a snowy winter.

  • BronzeZero Emission

    Have a city that produces electricity by only using renewable energy sources.

  • BronzeThe Deep End

    Have a total loan of at least 200,000 in a single city.

  • BronzeThe Architect

    Build 10 signature buildings in a single city.

  • BronzeOut for a Spin

    Experience a tornado.

  • BronzeNow They're All Ash Trees

    Experience a forest fire.

  • BronzeA Little Bit of TLC

    Have 6,000 citizens treated at medical clinics or hospitals in a single city.

  • BronzeThe Size of Golf Balls!

    Experience a hailstorm.

  • BronzeEverything the Light Touches

    Unlock 150 map tiles in a single city.

  • BronzeSquasher-Downer

    Bulldoze a total of 1000 buildings.

  • BronzeWelcome, One and All!

    Have a total of 6,000 tourist visits in a single city.

  • BronzeThe Inspector

    Have a look at each individual info view panel.

  • BronzeGo Anywhere

    Have 20 active transport lines. These can be passenger or cargo lines or any mix of the two.

  • BronzeSimply Irresistible

    Have at least 1000 citizens and a city attractiveness rating of 90.

  • BronzeGroundskeeper

    Build 10 parks in a single city.

  • BronzeSix Figures

    Reach a population of 100,000.

  • BronzeSnapshot!

    Use the photo mode to take a screenshot.

  • BronzeTop of the Class

    Build a city where at least 20% of the population has a university level of education.

  • BronzeCalling the Shots

    Have 5 city policies active simultaneously.

  • BronzeUp and Away!

    Build any airport.

  • BronzeThe Last Mile Marker

    Reach milestone 20.

  • BronzeSpiderwebbing

    Have 50 active transport lines. These can be passenger or cargo lines or any mix of the two.

  • BronzeWide Variety

    Create 10 different districts in a single city and assign policies to each.

  • BronzeOne of Everything

    Build all unique city service buildings in a single city.

  • BronzeKey to the city

    Unlock each building available in the base game.

  • BronzeThis Is Not My Happy Place

    Have at least 1000 citizens and an average happiness rating of 25%.

  • BronzeYou Little Stalker!

    Follow a citizen's lifepath from childhood to old age.

  • BronzeI Made This

    Use the editor to make an asset of any other type than map.

  • BronzeCartography

    Use the editor to make a map.

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Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre City Builder sur PC

Merci à Siltar qui a créé cette fiche