
Durée moyenne du jeu

40 h

Date de sortie EUR

5 novembre 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Call of Duty : Vanguard est le dernier ajout de la célèbre licence de jeux de tirs, Call of Duty. Celui-ci nous plonge au coeur des affrontements de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et particulièrement ceux ayant lieu en Europe et dans le Pacifique.

Source : JVC


3 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

2 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar TsukiRaioN
  • avatar Tabb

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 45, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/2) Argent Argent (0/10) Bronze Bronze (0/32)

  • PlatineThe Birth Of Special Forces

    Get all Trophies in Call of Duty: Vanguard

  • ArgentPhoenix Extinguished

    Beat Call of Duty: Vanguard's Campaign on any difficulty

  • OrThe Tip Of The Spear

    Beat Call of Duty: Vanguard's Campaign on Veteran difficulty

  • BronzeDid I Get 'em?

    In Campaign, get 15 kills using Blind Fire

  • BronzeMunition Magpie

    In Campaign, scavenge ammo from 15 enemy corpses within 3 seconds of killing them

  • BronzeGotta Try Them All!

    In Campaign, kill enemies with 15 different weapons throughout the game

  • BronzeOH YEAH!

    In Campaign, Tactical Sprint through 5 Destructible walls

  • ArgentF

    In Campaign, die by your own grenade’s explosion

  • ArgentNot Your Fairy Godmother

    In Campaign, throw back 15 grenades that would have killed or damaged your allies

  • ArgentCouldn't Have Done It Without You

    Watch the credits to completion

  • BronzeShot Caller

    As Arthur, give 15 different commands to your allies

  • BronzePop Goes The Nightingale

    As Polina, kill 15 enemies immediately after emerging from a crawlspace

  • BronzeHeightened Senses

    As Wade, kill 15 enemies using his focus ability

  • BronzePocket Full Of Fun

    As Lucas, use 4 types of lethal equipment, getting 3 kills with each

  • BronzeTicket Please

    In Phoenix, kill 15 enemies while standing atop a train car roof

  • BronzeBeware Of Trains

    In Phoenix, shoot a truck driver with a vehicle full of soldiers

  • BronzeActions Speak Louder Than Words

    In Operation Tonga, protect Evans with quick reflexes

  • BronzeOnly You Can Prevent Friendly Casualties

    In Operation Tonga, throw smoke from the anti-tank ditch to provide cover for the charge

  • BronzeLegend In The Making

    In Stalingrad, protect the Partisans without missing a shot

  • BronzeRain Of Fire

    In Stalingrad, hit a halftrack with a Molotov Cocktail

  • BronzeSlow But Deadly

    In The Battle of Midway, help 5 threatened Allies during a dogfight

  • BronzeDuck And Dive

    In The Battle of Midway, avoid getting hit by bullets during the first Dive-Bomb

  • BronzeUntouchable

    In Numa Numa Trail, avoid getting hit by the sniper

  • BronzeSurvivalist

    In Numa Numa Trail, find Mateo without firing a bullet

  • BronzeBird Of Prey

    In Lady Nightingale, kill 5 snipers across the open field without getting hit by them

  • BronzeBehind You

    In Lady Nightingale, take out all of Steiner's troops in the department store using only takedowns

  • BronzeThat's Definitely Not A Knife

    In the Rats of Tobruk, bring down the Stuka with a pistol, grenade, or rocket

  • BronzePied Piper

    In The Rats of Tobruk, lead the Rats through the desert without getting detected

  • BronzeLeaving An Impression

    In the battle of El Alamein, get run over by a tank

  • BronzeShe'll Be Right Mate

    In the battle of El Alamein, get twice as many kills as Des during the final defend

  • BronzeAllies Together, Strong

    In The Fourth Reich, use Leadership to help takedown a Jäger Mörder

  • BronzeOrder In Chaos

    In The Fourth Reich, go through the level without any instances of friendly fire

  • OrLeet Skills

    Reach level 55 in Multiplayer

  • ArgentTop Of The Mountain

    Reach max level with an operator in Multiplayer (base game operators only)

  • ArgentBling Pro 2.0

    Reach max level with a weapon (base game weapons only)

  • BronzeHello There

    Join a clan in Multiplayer

  • BronzeDeal With The Devil

    Equip 3 Covenants

  • BronzeBaker's Dozen

    Sacrifice 13 Hearts

  • ArgentThirst Quencher

    Drink from all 5 Demonic Fountains in a single session

  • ArgentAs Cold As Ice

    Eliminate 10 zombies via melee that have been slowed by the Frost Blast Artifact

  • BronzeShocking Behavior

    Eliminate 10 zombies that were damaged by the Energy Mine Artifact

  • BronzeEscape Artist

    While using the Aether Shroud Artifact, enter the Aether Shroud 5 times with less than 25% health

  • BronzeHot Tempered

    Eliminate 10 zombies while your damage is increased by the Ring of Fire Artifact

  • ArgentDeath Dealer

    Eliminate 2500 zombies with a PaP level 3 weapon

  • ArgentGrim Reaper

    Eliminate 10,000 zombies

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