
Durée moyenne du jeu

21 h

Date de sortie EUR USA

5 octobre 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Alan Wake Remastered est une version remasterisée du jeu de 2012. Le jeu nous plonge dans un univers psychologique intense, sous fond de thriller et de tension psychologique. Vous incarnez donc Alan Wake, qui recherche désespérément sa fiancée disparue. Parcourez un monde vaste et riche, dans un environnement interactif. Suivez l'histoire pleine de rebondissements d'Alan Wake pour découvrir les largesses du scénario du soft...


11 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox (9 aléatoires)

2 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar destinysayshello
  • avatar Abi

1 membre a mis en pause

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar FloraC

7 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Dryss_G23
  • avatar Jérôme & Elodie
  • avatar Bachtfloyd
  • avatar Giustinien
  • avatar Opiewinston91
  • avatar Dr7ss_19
  • avatar Dryss_N23

Equipe technique


Trophées du jeu

Jeu de base

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 51, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/3) Argent Argent (0/5) Bronze Bronze (0/42)

  • PlatinePlatinum Trophy

    Unlocked when all trophies collected.

  • BronzeFollow the Light

    You were enlightened by a dream.

  • BronzeNordic Walking

    Unlike Stucky, you enjoy incontestable health benefits. Namely, you're not dead.

  • BronzeBright Falls' Finest

    You finally managed to make that phone call.

  • BronzeBoob Tube

    You checked out some important messages.

  • BronzeUnder a Thin Layer of Skin

    You disobeyed the park ranger's instructions.

  • BronzePark Ranger

    You survived Elderwood National Park.

  • BronzeHeavy Metal

    You destroyed the bulldozer.

  • BronzeIron Horse

    You made the train engine run out of steam.

  • BronzeWheels Within Wheels

    You found the kidnapper, but what he had to say wasn't what you wanted to hear.

  • BronzeMedical Opinions

    You listened to Hartman's recordings.

  • BronzeChild of the Elder God

    You shone a light upon this night of otherworldly fiends.

  • BronzePerchance to Dream

    Oh, so THAT'S what happened.

  • BronzeDrink 'Em Both Up

    You drank 'em bot' up.

  • BronzeGatekeeper

    Truly, you are the master of floodgates.

  • BronzeThe Lady of the Light

    Cynthia Weaver has taken you to the Well-Lit Room.

  • BronzeTornado Wrangler

    You calmed the fury of the storm.

  • BronzeDeparture

    You completed the game on Easy difficulty.

  • BronzeHardboiled Writer

    You completed the game on Normal difficulty.

  • BronzeAlan, Wake Up

    You completed the game on Nightmare difficulty.

  • BronzeIf It Flies, It Burns

    Not a bird lover, are you?

  • BronzeThey're Heeeeeere!

    You have destroyed 20 poltergeist objects.

  • BronzeThe Six-Gun Scribe

    You capped 100 Taken with the revolver.

  • BronzeTaken Season

    You have dropped 50 Taken with the hunting rifle.

  • BronzeIt's Not Just a Typewriter Brand

    QWERTY? DVORAK? 50 Taken know it's neither.

  • BronzeWhat Light Through Yonder Window

    It is the east, and the flaregun is the sun to 50 Taken.

  • BronzeThunder and Lightning

    50 Taken have felt your fury. Also, your flashbangs.

  • BronzeCollateral Carnage

    20 Taken have been drowned, electrocuted, or dispatched by some other indirect means.

  • BronzeCome One, Come All

    You wiped out four Taken with a single flare.

  • BronzeSound and Fury

    You blasted four Taken into ashes with a single flashbang.

  • BronzeTwo For the Price of One

    You took out two Taken with a single barrel.

  • BronzeBack! Back, I Say!

    You bought yourself some breathing time with a flare.

  • BronzeFloat Like a Butterfly

    You avoided getting hit -- with style!

  • BronzeMissed by a Mile

    You managed a slow-motion dodge 20 times.

  • BronzeEnergized!

    You changed batteries 100 times.

  • BronzeLet There Be Light

    You have restored power.

  • BronzeCarny

    You have heartlessly knocked over five defenseless can pyramids.

  • BronzeMeet the Deadline

    You made it all the way to the Cauldron Lake lookout in under 30 minutes.

  • BronzeAn Idyllic Small Town

    You fought your way through the streets of Bright Falls without getting killed.

  • BronzeGunless Wonder

    You managed to make it all the way from the dam to Cauldron Lake without firing a single bullet.

  • BronzeRight of Way

    You have peeled 15 Taken off your bumper.

  • BronzeFinders Keepers

    You have discovered five of the hidden chests.

  • BronzeEvery Nook and Cranny

    You have discovered all of the hidden chests.

  • ArgentPaging Mr. Wake

    You have discovered 25 manuscript pages.

  • ArgentPicking Up After Yourself

    You have found every manuscript page in Normal mode.

  • ArgentCollector's Edition

    You have found every manuscript page in the game.

  • ArgentDamn Good Cup of Coffee

    You have found 25 coffee thermoses.

  • ArgentHypercaffeinated

    You have discovered every thermos of coffee.

  • OrKBF-FM

    You haven't missed a single radio show.

  • OrCouch Potato

    You have watched every single TV show on offer.

  • OrBright Falls Aficionado

    You have examined every sign and point of interest in the Bright Falls area.

The Signal

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 8, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Bronze Bronze (0/8)

  • BronzeA Friend in Need

    You found Barry, or at least the next best thing.

  • BronzeA Friend Indeed

    You found the point of contact with Thomas Zane.

  • BronzeFast and Furious

    You defeated the horror at the sawmill in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds.

  • BronzeWords Will Never Harm You

    You made every furnace cough up its fiery death goodies.

  • BronzeRun-On Sentence

    You made it through The Signal in one glorious go.

  • BronzeLicense Revoked

    You completed The Signal without ever entering a vehicle.

  • BronzeTick Tock

    You found the 10 hidden alarm clocks.

  • BronzeCardboard Companions

    You found all of your cardboard buddies.

The Writer

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 9, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Bronze Bronze (0/9)

  • BronzeDing!

    You took a little elevator ride.

  • BronzeKill Your Darlings

    You put your imagination in its place.

  • BronzeGo Gentle Into That Good Light

    Make it through the approach to the lighthouse without firing a weapon.

  • BronzeNo Punctuation

    You made it through The Writer in one dazzling dash.

  • BronzeIron Will

    You faced your own demons and gave no ground to them.

  • BronzeWhirlwind

    You made short work of the tornado.

  • BronzeLicensed Properties

    You collected all 10 Night Springs video games.

  • BronzeCreative Space

    You took a weird detour through your imagination.

  • BronzeHeartbreaker

    You heard what \

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