
Durée moyenne du jeu

5 h

Date de sortie EUR

9 novembre 2022

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

A castle full of cats est un jeu d'objets cachés catvania où vous devez trouver tous les chats enchantés du château. Sauvez chaque chat et libérez le pouvoir de l'amour ! ♡


7 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 35, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeCrystal Ball

    Find the crystal ball

  • BronzeCastle Map

    Find the castle map

  • BronzeThe Castle

    Find all cats in the castle

  • BronzeThe Kitchen

    Find all cats in the kitchen

  • BronzeDungeon Cell II

    Find all cats in the cell II

  • BronzeDungeon Cell IV

    Find all cats in the cell IV

  • BronzeDungeon Cell I

    Find all cats in the cell I

  • BronzeThe Dungeons

    Find all cats in the dungeons

  • BronzeDungeon Cell III

    Find all cats in the cell III

  • BronzeThe Main Hall

    Find all cats in the main hall

  • BronzeThe Pantry

    Find all cats in the pantry

  • BronzeThe Laboratory

    Find all cats in the laboratory

  • BronzeMirror Mirror

    Unlock a magical shortcut

  • BronzeThe Mirror Passage

    Find all cats in the mirror passage

  • BronzeFree Fofiño

    Release Fofiño from the curse

  • BronzeHidden Castle Map

    Find the hidden castle map

  • BronzeSecret Place

    Open the passage

  • BronzeThe Underground Corridor

    Find all cats in the underground corridor

  • BronzeThe Cemetery

    Find all cats in the cemetery

  • BronzeThe Saferoom

    Find all cats in the saferoom

  • BronzeThe Bedroom

    Find all cats in the bedroom

  • BronzeHmm... Delicious

    Deliver the snack

  • BronzeKeeper of the Seven Keys

    Find all the keys

  • BronzeTeleport

    Help a friend from the underground

  • BronzeThe Trapdoor

    Find all cats in the trapdoor

  • BronzeThe Library

    Find all cats in the library

  • BronzeThe Secret Trapdoor

    Find all cats in the secret trapdoor

  • BronzeCrystal Ball Upgrade

    Find the crystal ball upgrade

  • BronzeLove for Kittens

    Return all the kittens to mama cat

  • Bronze100%

    Find all the cats

  • BronzeThe Entire Gang

    Meet everyone at the final door

  • BronzeCoffin

    Open the Coffin

  • BronzeGarden

    Finish the Garden

  • BronzeEnter The Party

    Cats Just Wanna Have Fun

  • BronzeReturn to Fantasy

    Dress all cats in the party

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Merci à Kaneko-Etsioay qui a créé cette fiche