
Une fratrie - composée de deux frères et une sœur - représente les classes économiques de l'Amérique actuelle ; de la classe bourgeoise à celle qui ne parvient pas à joindre les deux bouts chaque mois....




Saison 1

Titre Diffusion
1x01 Pilot
(Series Premiere)
20:30 | 22 min
1x02 Mermaid Taffeta Wedding Dress, $1,999 14/04/2021
20:30 | 22 min
1x03 Bounce House Rental, $250 21/04/2021
20:30 | 22 min
1x04 Triple Scoop of Ice Cream, $6.39 28/04/2021
20:30 | 22 min
1x05 35% of Allied Harness and Sling Ltd, $3,000,000 05/05/2021
20:30 | 22 min
1x06 The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire: An Oral History (Used), $11 12/05/2021
20:30 | 22 min
1x07 Opus Cabernet, 2015, $500
(Season finale)
20:30 | 22 min
2 h 34

Saison 2

Titre Diffusion
2x01 49ers Foam Finger, $7
(Season Premiere)
21:31 | 22 min
2x02 Chorizo with Mojo Verde and Chicharrón, $45 29/09/2021
21:31 | 22 min
2x03 Bottle Service, $800 Plus Tip 06/10/2021
21:31 | 22 min
2x04 Windmount Academy, $42,000/year 13/10/2021
21:31 | 22 min
2x05 Giant Jenga, $120 20/10/2021
21:31 | 22 min
2x06 Box of King-Size Candy Bars, $48.99 27/10/2021
21:31 | 22 min
2x07 Speeding Ticket, $180 03/11/2021
21:31 | 22 min
2x08 Two Thousand Pounds of Sand, $240 17/11/2021
21:31 | 22 min
2x09 Secret Santa Gift, $25 Limit
(Midseason finale)
21:31 | 22 min
2x10 Men's Water-Resistant Watch, $289
(Midseason premiere)
21:31 | 22 min
2x11 Camping Tent, $39.99 12/01/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x12 Round Trip Ticket SAN-OAK, $234 19/01/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x13 Pregnancy Test, $12.98 02/02/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x14 Salsa Competition Entry Fee, $45 23/02/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x15 FaceFlop App, $1.99 02/03/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x16 Keg of Light Beer, $180 16/03/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x17 Workout Leggings, $29 23/03/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x18 Poker Game, $800 Buy-In 06/04/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x19 Animatronic Gorilla, $2,200 13/04/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x20 Mango THC Gummies, $18 20/04/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x21 Book Deal, Terms Negotiable 11/05/2022
21:31 | 22 min
2x22 Ticket to Space, $1 Million
(Season finale)
21:31 | 22 min
8 h 04

Saison 3

Titre Diffusion
3x01 Mickey Ears, $19.99
(Season Premiere)
21:31 | 22 min
3x02 Melatonin 10 Mg Tablets, $14.99 28/09/2022
21:31 | 22 min
3x03 Sushi for Twelve, $482 Plus Delivery 05/10/2022
21:31 | 22 min
3x04 Wedding Bouquet, $125 12/10/2022
21:31 | 22 min
3x05 Live With Kelly and Ryan Hoodie, Complimentary 19/10/2022
21:31 | 22 min
3x06 Novel Signed by Author, $22.19 26/10/2022
21:31 | 22 min
3x07 Model Train Set, $150 02/11/2022
21:31 | 22 min
3x08 Wheel of Vegan Brie, $24 16/11/2022
21:31 | 22 min
3x09 Sunday New York Times, $6 30/11/2022
21:31 | 22 min
3x10 Santa Suit Rental, $25 Per Day
(Midseason finale)
21:31 | 22 min
3x11 Gallon of Milk, $4.35
(Midseason premiere)
21:31 | 22 min
3x12 Limited Edition Boom Boom Dojo JollyBot, $45.99 11/01/2023
21:31 | 22 min
3x13 Emergency Preparedness Kit, $129.99
(Series finale)
21:31 | 22 min
4 h 46



Tout déroulerenrouler

EpisodeAudiences (en millions)Taux 18/49 ans
1x01 Pilot 3,11 M 0,6
1x02 Mermaid Taffeta Wedding Dress, $1,999 2,92 M 0,5
1x03 Bounce House Rental, $250 2,63 M 0,4
1x04 Triple Scoop of Ice Cream, $6.39 2,46 M 0,4
1x05 35% of Allied Harness and Sling Ltd, $3,000,000 2,20 M 0,5
1x06 The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire: An Oral History (Used), $11 2,32 M 0,5
1x07 Opus Cabernet, 2015, $500 2,32 M 0,4
Moyenne saison 12,57 M0,5
EpisodeAudiences (en millions)Taux 18/49 ans
2x01 49ers Foam Finger, $7 2,21 M 0,4
2x02 Chorizo with Mojo Verde and Chicharrón, $45 2,14 M 0,4
2x03 Bottle Service, $800 Plus Tip 1,92 M 0,4
2x04 Windmount Academy, $42,000/year 2,06 M 0,4
2x05 Giant Jenga, $120 1,66 M 0,3
2x06 Box of King-Size Candy Bars, $48.99 1,96 M 0,3
2x07 Speeding Ticket, $180 1,85 M 0,3
2x08 Two Thousand Pounds of Sand, $240 2,21 M 0,4
2x09 Secret Santa Gift, $25 Limit 2,10 M 0,3
2x10 Men's Water-Resistant Watch, $289 1,85 M 0,3
2x11 Camping Tent, $39.99 2,11 M 0,4
2x12 Round Trip Ticket SAN-OAK, $234 1,96 M 0,4
2x13 Pregnancy Test, $12.98 2,17 M 0,4
2x14 Salsa Competition Entry Fee, $45 1,86 M 0,3
2x15 FaceFlop App, $1.99 1,80 M 0,3
2x16 Keg of Light Beer, $180 1,84 M 0,3
2x17 Workout Leggings, $29 1,89 M 0,4
2x18 Poker Game, $800 Buy-In 1,67 M 0,3
2x19 Animatronic Gorilla, $2,200 1,67 M 0,3
2x20 Mango THC Gummies, $18 1,71 M 0,3
2x21 Book Deal, Terms Negotiable 1,73 M 0,2
2x22 Ticket to Space, $1 Million 1,81 M 0,3
Moyenne saison 21,92 M0,3
EpisodeAudiences (en millions)Taux 18/49 ans
3x01 Mickey Ears, $19.99 2,10 M 0,4
3x02 Melatonin 10 Mg Tablets, $14.99 1,86 M 0,3
3x03 Sushi for Twelve, $482 Plus Delivery 1,87 M 0,3
3x04 Wedding Bouquet, $125 1,93 M 0,3
3x05 Live With Kelly and Ryan Hoodie, Complimentary 1,92 M 0,4
3x06 Novel Signed by Author, $22.19 2,23 M 0,4
3x07 Model Train Set, $150 2,02 M 0,4
3x08 Wheel of Vegan Brie, $24 2,07 M 0,3
3x09 Sunday New York Times, $6 1,98 M 0,4
3x10 Santa Suit Rental, $25 Per Day 1,91 M 0,3
3x11 Gallon of Milk, $4.35 2,16 M 0,4
3x12 Limited Edition Boom Boom Dojo JollyBot, $45.99 2,21 M 0,3
3x13 Emergency Preparedness Kit, $129.99 2,14 M 0,4
Moyenne saison 32,03 M0,4

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15 heures 24 min

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