
La guerre est sans fin. Même à une époque où la technologie a autant progressé, les Hommes n'ont cessé de s'entretuer. Cependant, les choses ont changé. L'utilisation de soldats sur les champs de batailles est devenue passé. Remplacés par les machines, les conflits territoriaux sont dorénavant décidés par les Green Wars où s’affrontent les pilotes d'Objects de chaque camp.

Quenser est un jeune étudiant qui espère devenir mécanicien d'Objects, de puissantes et massives armes militaires capables d'inverser le cours de la guerre. Se rendant dans une base militaire en Alaska, il rencontre une étrange jeune fille nommée Milinda, pilote d'élite d'Objects, ainsi que Heivia, un soldat en formation. (Source :

Adaptation d’une œuvre littéraireGuerre



Saison 1

Titre Diffusion
1x01 1 The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver ~ The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska I ~
(Series Premiere)
00:30 | 25 min
1x02 2 The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver ~ The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II ~ 10/10/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x03 3 The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver ~ The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III ~ 17/10/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x04 4 Tom Thumb Runs in the Oil Field ~Gibraltar Passage Obstruction Battle I~ 24/10/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x05 5 Tom Thumb Runs in the Oil Field ~Gibraltar Passage Obstruction Battle II~ 31/10/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x06 6 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper ~The War to Capture the Oceania Military Power I~ 07/11/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x07 7 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper ~The War to Capture the Oceania Military Power II~ 14/11/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x08 8 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper ~The War to Capture the Oceania Military Power III~ 21/11/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x09 9 In an Obstacle Course Race It's Normal to Get Covered in Mud ~The Battle for Supremacy in Antarctica~ 28/11/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x10 10 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-And-Death ~The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains I~ 12/12/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x11 11 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-and-Death ~ The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains II~ 19/12/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x12 12 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-and-Death ~ The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains III~ 26/12/2015
00:30 | 25 min
1x13 13 In a Calvary Battle, Knock Down the Foothold ~ The All-Out War in Amazon City I 09/01/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x14 14 In a Calvary Battle, Knock Down the Foothold ~ The All-Out War in Amazon City II 16/01/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x15 15 The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals ~ Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle I ~ 23/01/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x16 16 The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals ~ Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle II ~ 30/01/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x17 17 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money ~ The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz I ~ 06/02/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x18 18 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money ~ The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz II ~ 13/02/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x19 19 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money ~ The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz III ~ 20/02/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x20 20 You Can't Put a Price on Honor ~ The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island I ~ 27/02/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x21 21 You Can't Put a Price on Honor ~ The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island II ~ 05/03/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x22 22 You Can't Put a Price on Honor ~ The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island III ~ 12/03/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x23 23 A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field ~ The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum I ~ 19/03/2016
00:30 | 25 min
1x24 24 A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field ~ The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II ~
(Series finale)
00:30 | 25 min
10 h 00
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10 heures 00 min

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