The tale of Junior, a young penguin who defies the odds by transforming into a human to break out of the zoo and reach his ultimate goal, the North Pole, only to find himself trapped once again in a mysterious boarding school. Chaos and tension arise when Sun, a quiet and reserved black panther who also takes human form, is drawn into Junior's desperate plea for escape. As they plot their way out, Sun's primal instincts as a predator clash with a deeper, unexpected hunger that awakens every time he's near Junior. Will Sun fight against his nature, or will his desires consume them both?
(source : mydramalist)
Global |
Episode | Réalisateur(s) | Scénariste(s) |
1x01 | ||
1x02 | ||
1x03 | ||
1x04 | ||
1x05 | ||
1x06 | ||
1x07 | ||
1x08 | ||
1x09 | ||
1x10 |
En cours : 5 | A jour : 4 | En attente : 0 | Abandons : 0
5 heures 14 min
7 épisodes
0 min
0 épisode
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