Mardi 28 mai 2024
Natsume's Book of Friends (Natsume Yûjinchô)

1x01 Le chat et le Carnet d’amis (The Cat And The Book Of Friends) 28/05 15:29
1x02 Le dieu de la rosée (The Shrine of Tsuyukami) 28/05 15:29
1x03 L’être mystérieux de Yatsuhara (The Mysterious Person at the Eight Fields) 28/05 15:29
Mardi 28 mai 2024
Nanbaka 2

1x01 Nanbaka est un animé comique (Nanbaka Is a Comedy Anime) 28/05 15:28
1x02 Super Hitoshi (Super Hitoshi-kun) 28/05 15:28
1x03 Le bâtiment 5 de la traîtrise (The Traitorous Building 5) 28/05 15:28
1x04 Quelque chose ne tourne pas rond (Something Is Breaking) 28/05 15:28
1x05 Tu es faible (You Are Weak) 28/05 15:28
1x06 La liberté de chacun (One's Own Freedom) 28/05 15:28
1x07 Imbécile (A Fool) 28/05 15:28
1x08 Le poison de l’éveil (Awakening Poison) 28/05 15:28
1x09 À la dérive… (Washed Away...) 28/05 15:28
1x10 Des sons et des mots (Sound and Words) 28/05 15:28
1x11 Fonce ! (Move Forward!) 28/05 15:28
1x12 Bêtadieu (Sarabaka) 28/05 15:28
1x13 Les abrutis aux numéros d’élèves (Special : Idiots with Student Numbers!) 28/05 15:28
Mardi 28 mai 2024

1x01 Les abrutis aux chiffres ! (Fools marked with numbers!) 28/05 15:28
1x03 Le nombre d’abrutis augmente ! (Another Idiot Has Come!!) 28/05 15:28
1x05 La triche et le héros (A Fraud and a Hero) 28/05 15:28
1x06 The soutien (The 'Booster' Episode) 28/05 15:28
1x07 Une histoire étonnamment douloureuse (It's a Surprisingly Sad Story) 28/05 15:28
1x08 Le monstre et le gorille (A Monster and a Gorilla) 28/05 15:28
1x09 Tu n’es qu’une coquille vide ! (You're Empty!!) 28/05 15:28
1x11 La remise des récompenses (We Got Our Rewards) 28/05 15:28
1x12 La salle, le billard, les fléchettes et moi (The Room, the Billiards, the Darts, and Me) 28/05 15:28
1x13 Un véritable idiot (Real Idiot) 28/05 15:28
Mardi 28 mai 2024
My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex (Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta)

1x01 Des ex qui ne veulent pas céder (The Former Couple Refuses to Say... 'It's things like this...!) 28/05 15:27
1x02 Prendre soin de son ex (My Ex Needs Taking Care Of 'Thirty-Eight Degrees, Apparently') 28/05 15:27
1x03 Les ex passent aux aveux (My Ex Has a Confession to Make 'You Didn't Do Anything Weird, Did You?') 28/05 15:27
1x04 Ce n'est pas ce que je veux (That's Not What You're Supposed to Say) 28/05 15:27
1x05 Les ex dorment chez des amis (The Former Couple Spends the Night 'You're Welcome') 28/05 15:27
1x06 Les ex rivalisent (The Former Couple Goes Head-to-Head 'Do You Think I'm Stupid?') 28/05 15:27
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