Samedi 22 avril 2023
1x01 La vie hollywoodienne (Pilot) 22/04 17:25
1x02 L'élève (Joey and the Student) 22/04 17:25
1x03 La fête (Joey and the Party) 22/04 17:25
1x04 Le club de lecture (Joey and the Book Club) 22/04 17:25
1x05 La malédiction de la doublure (Joey and the Perfect Storm) 22/04 17:25
1x06 Le faux Frère (Joey and the Nemesis) 22/04 17:25
1x07 Le mari (Joey and the Husband) 22/04 17:25
1x08 La fille de ses rêves (1) (Joey and the Dream Girl (1)) 22/04 17:25
1x09 La fille de ses rêves (2) (Joey and the Dream Girl (2)) 22/04 17:25
1x10 L'audition (Joey and the Big Audition) 22/04 17:25
1x11 La virée à Las Vegas (Joey and the Road Trip) 22/04 17:25
1x12 Le rebondissement (Joey and the Plot Twist) 22/04 17:25
1x13 Le concours de lasagnes (Joey and the Taste Test) 22/04 17:25
1x14 La première (Joey and the Premiere) 22/04 17:25
1x15 L'assistant (Joey and the Assistant) 22/04 17:25
1x16 Le Tonight Show (Joey and the Tonight Show) 22/04 17:25
1x17 Saint-Valentin (Joey and the Valentine's Date) 22/04 17:25
1x18 Le nom imprononçable (Joey and the Wrong Name) 22/04 17:25
1x19 La croqueuse de diamants (Joey and the Fancy Sister) 22/04 17:25
1x20 La voisine (Joey and the Neighbor) 22/04 17:25
1x21 L'espionne (Joey and the Spying) 22/04 17:25
1x22 La tentation (Joey and the Temptation) 22/04 17:25
1x23 La rupture (Joey and the Breakup) 22/04 17:25
1x24 L'emménagement (Joey and the Moving In) 22/04 17:25
2x01 La soirée romantique (1) (Joey and the Big Break (1)) 22/04 17:25
2x02 La soirée romantique (2) (Joey and the Big Break (2)) 22/04 17:25
2x03 La fessée (Joey and the Spanking) 22/04 17:25
2x04 Le cascadeur (Joey and the Stuntman) 22/04 17:25
2x05 La maison (Joey and the House) 22/04 17:25
2x06 Le cours pour débutants (Joey and the ESL) 22/04 17:25
2x07 Le poker texan (Joey and the Poker) 22/04 17:25
2x08 La cassette (Joey and the Sex Tape) 22/04 17:25
2x09 La comédie musicale (Joey and the Musical) 22/04 17:25
2x10 Le Thanksgiving des célibataires (Joey and the Bachelor Thanksgiving) 22/04 17:25
2x11 Le copain de lycée (Joey and the High School Friend) 22/04 17:25
2x12 La folle nuit à Tijuana (Joey and the Tijuana Trip) 22/04 17:25
2x13 Le réveillon de Noël (Joey and the Christmas Party) 22/04 17:25
2x14 La bataille de purée (Joey and the Snowball Fight) 22/04 17:25
2x15 Le père (Joey and the Dad) 22/04 17:25
2x16 La déclaration (Joey and the Denial (a.k.a. Joey and the Party for Alex)) 22/04 17:25
2x17 Le grand déménagement (Joey and the Big Move) 22/04 17:25
2x18 L'escorte (Joey and the Beard) 22/04 17:25
2x19 La critique (Joey and the Critic) 22/04 17:25
2x20 L'Actor's studio (Joey and the Actor's Studio) 22/04 17:25
2x21 Les moments intimes (Joey and the Holding Hands) 22/04 17:25
2x22 Le mariage (Joey and the Wedding) 22/04 17:25
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