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Samedi 12 août 2023


2x30 If there's four people, it is a lot of knowledge 12/08 12:26

2x31 When a person who wears glasses suddenly takes them off, it feels like something is missing, as if a part of the person is missing 12/08 12:26

2x32 A woman's best make up is her smile 12/08 12:26

2x33 By repeatedly saying 12/08 12:26

2x34 Rank has nothing to do with luck 12/08 12:26

2x35 Hard boiled egg on a man's heart 12/08 12:26

2x36 A hard boiled egg won't get crushed 12/08 12:26

2x37 You concentrate on counting sheep and you actually can't sleep 12/08 12:26

2x38 Women who say 12/08 12:26

2x39 Gokon's funnest part is before it starts 12/08 12:26

2x40 There will be a third time for things that have happened twice 12/08 12:26

2x41 As delicious as the food is, it's scary when you get food poisoning 12/08 12:26

2x42 If you wanna get skinny, move! Don't eat! 12/08 12:26

2x43 Be someone who can find people's merits, not their flaws 12/08 12:26

2x44 Even a hero has issues 12/08 12:26

2x45 When riding a train, always put both hands on the handle 12/08 12:26

2x46 Men, be madao 12/08 12:26

2x47 If you're a man, don't give up 12/08 12:26

2x48 When talking about your exploits exaggerate by a third so everyone has fun 12/08 12:26

2x49 Games should be played one hour once a day 12/08 12:26

2x50 Life and Games are filled with bugs 12/08 12:26

3x01 Even detestable things can be lovely 12/08 12:26

3x02 Rules are made in order to be broken 12/08 12:26

3x03 Otakus are talkative 12/08 12:26

3x04 The differnce between stengths and weaknesses is only a thin line 12/08 12:26

3x05 Important things are hard to see 12/08 12:26

3x06 Everything is captured time 12/08 12:26

3x07 Love runs mostly on 12/08 12:26

3x08 Children can't read their parents' mind 12/08 12:26

3x09 Better leave it unsaid 12/08 12:26

3x10 Life is a test 12/08 12:26

3x11 Everyone is an escapee of a prison called 'myself 12/08 12:26

3x12 Definitely Do Not Let Your Girlfriend See the Things You Use for Crossdressing/There's Almost a 100% Chance of Forgetting One's Vinyl Umbrella and Then Hating Oneself 12/08 12:26

3x13 You're lucky if you can stay up late to work 12/08 12:26

3x14 The Act of Polishing a Urinal is Like the Act of Polishing One's Heart 12/08 12:26

3x15 They say that adding soy sauce to pudding gives the taste of sea urchin, but really, it gives the taste of soy sauce and pudding 12/08 12:26

3x16 The time just before the summer holidays start is the most fun 12/08 12:26

3x17 The older, the wiser 12/08 12:26

3x18 Beauty is like the fruit of summer 12/08 12:26

3x19 Even if your back is bent, go straight 12/08 12:26

Remonter le temps
  • "Because of the implication."

  • "It's over Anakin! I have the High Ground!"

  • "You know, let's not keep going. Because there's an insane cat down here!"

  • "No more! All the people i've murdered by letting you live."

  • "It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?"

  • "Doctor. I let you go."

  • "Which would be worse? To live as a monster, or to die as a good man?"

  • "I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours."

  • "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

  • "I member."

  • "Is it truly righteousness that drives you? I wonder..."

  • "Moi j'ai bâti une forteresse quand même. Pour le Graal, j’ai bâti une forteresse, moi. Kaamelott, ça s’appelle. J’ai été chercher des chevaliers dans tout le royaume. En Calédonie, en Carmélide, à Gaunes, à Vannes, aux Pays de Galles. J’ai fait construire une grande table, pour que les chevaliers s’assoient ensemble. Je l’ai voulue ronde, pour qu’aucun d’entre eux ne se retrouve assis dans un angle, ou en bout de table. C’était compliqué, alors j’ai essayé d’expliquer ce qu’était le Graal, pour que tout le monde comprenne. C’était difficile, alors j’ai essayé de rigoler pour que personne ne s’ennuie. J’ai raté, mais je veux pas qu’on dise que j’ai rien foutu, parce que c’est pas vrai... Arrêtez de m'appeler Sire..."