Vendredi 8 novembre 2024
The Order
1x01 Semaine infernale (1/2) (Hell Week, Part One) 08/11 19:28
1x02 Semaine infernale (2/2) (Hell Week, Part Two) 08/11 19:28
1x03 Introduction à l'éthique (1/2) (Introduction to Ethics, Part One) 08/11 19:28
1x04 Introduction à l'éthique (2/2) (Introduction to Ethics, Part Two) 08/11 19:28
1x05 Retour aux sources (1/2) (Homecoming, Part One) 08/11 19:28
1x06 Retour aux sources (2/2) (Homecoming, Part Two) 08/11 19:28
1x07 Entre-deux (1/2) (Undeclared, Part One) 08/11 19:28
1x08 Entre-deux (2/2) (Undeclared, Part Two) 08/11 19:28
1x09 Dernières épreuves (1/2) (Finals, Part One) 08/11 19:28
1x10 Dernières épreuves (2/2) (Finals, Part Two) 08/11 19:28
Vendredi 8 novembre 2024
AlRawabi School for Girls
1x01 Le lycée était mon endroit préféré (School Was My Happy Place) 08/11 19:28
1x02 Que la meilleure gagne ! (Game On!) 08/11 19:28
1x03 On récolte ce que l'on sème (What Goes Around Comes Around) 08/11 19:28
1x04 Morceau de verre brisé (Broken Glass) 08/11 19:28
1x05 Puis elle est devenue distante (And She Became a Stranger) 08/11 19:28
1x06 Le calme avant la tempête (The Calm Before the Storm) 08/11 19:28
2x01 Nouveaux départs (New Beginnings) 08/11 19:28
2x02 Violet chic (Fancy Purple) 08/11 19:28
2x03 Rencontre ta candidate préférée (Meet Your Favorite Candidate) 08/11 19:28
2x04 On y était ! (A Blast from the Past) 08/11 19:28
2x05 L'uniforme sacré (Holy Uniform) 08/11 19:28
2x06 Si c'était à refaire… (If I Could Do It All Again...) 08/11 19:28
Vendredi 8 novembre 2024
I Am Not Okay with This
1x01 Cher journal (Dear Diary...) 08/11 19:25
1x02 Le maître d'une seule baise (The Master of One F**k) 08/11 19:25
1x03 La fête est terminée (The Party's Over) 08/11 19:25
1x04 Stan by me (Stan by Me) 08/11 19:25
1x05 Un autre jour au paradis (Another Day in Paradise) 08/11 19:25
1x06 Tel père, telle fille (Like Father, Like Daughter) 08/11 19:25
1x07 Le plus sombre secret (Deepest, Darkest Secret) 08/11 19:25
Vendredi 8 novembre 2024
1x01 Episode 1 08/11 19:24
1x02 Episode 2 08/11 19:24
1x03 Episode 3 08/11 19:24
1x04 Episode 4 08/11 19:24
1x05 Episode 5 08/11 19:24
1x06 Episode 6 08/11 19:24
1x07 Episode 7 08/11 19:24
1x08 Episode 8 08/11 19:24
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