Lundi 6 février 2017
1x01 Une étude en rose (A Study in Pink) 06/02 16:45
1x02 Le banquier aveugle (The Blind Banker) 06/02 16:45
1x03 Le grand jeu (The Great Game) 06/02 16:45
2x01 Un scandale à Buckingham (A Scandal in Belgravia) 06/02 16:45
2x02 Les chiens de Baskerville (The Hounds of Baskerville) 06/02 16:45
2x03 La chute du Reichenbach (The Reichenbach Fall) 06/02 16:45
3x00 Toujours heureux de vous revoir (Many Happy Returns) 06/02 16:45
3x01 Le cercueil vide (The Empty Hearse) 06/02 16:45
3x02 Le signe des trois (The Sign of Three) 06/02 16:45
3x03 Son dernier coup d'éclat (His Last Vow) 06/02 16:45
4x00 L'effroyable mariée (The Abominable Bride) 06/02 16:45
4x01 Les six Thatcher (The Six Thatchers) 06/02 16:45
4x02 Le détective affabulant (The Lying Detective) 06/02 16:45
4x03 Le dernier problème (The Final Problem) 06/02 16:45
Lundi 6 février 2017
Mr. Robot
1x01 sa1ut_1-ami.mov (eps1.0_hellofriend.mov) 06/02 16:45
1x02 un-ou-z3r0.mpeg (eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg) 06/02 16:45
1x03 d3bug.mkv (eps1.2_d3bug.mkv) 06/02 16:45
1x04 d3m0ns.mp4 (eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4) 06/02 16:45
1x05 3xp10its.wmv (eps1.4_3xpl0its.wmv) 06/02 16:45
1x06 vai11ant_v0yag3ur.asf (eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf) 06/02 16:45
1x07 c0d3_s0urc3.flv (eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv) 06/02 16:45
1x08 whit3r0s3.m4v (eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v) 06/02 16:45
1x09 disqu3_mir0ir.qt (eps1.8_m1rr0r1ng.qt) 06/02 16:45
1x10 j0ur_z3r0.avi (eps1.9_zer0-day.avi) 06/02 16:45
2x01 d3masqu3r-p1.tc (eps2.0_unm4sk-pt1.tc) 06/02 16:45
2x02 d3masqu3r-p2.tc (eps2.0_unm4sk-pt2.tc) 06/02 16:45
2x03 paniqu3_du_n0yau.ksd (eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd) 06/02 16:45
2x04 init_1.asec (eps2.2_init1.asec) 06/02 16:45
2x05 b0mb3_10giqu3.hc (eps2.3_logic-b0mb.hc) 06/02 16:45
2x06 maîtr3_3sclav3.aes (eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes) 06/02 16:45
2x07 p0ign33_d3_main.sme (eps2.5_h4ndshake.sme) 06/02 16:45
2x08 succ3ssi0n.p12 (eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12) 06/02 16:45
2x09 init_5.fve (eps2.7_init5.fve) 06/02 16:45
2x10 pr0c3ssus_cach3.axx (eps2.8_h1dden-pr0cess.axx) 06/02 16:45
2x11 pyth0n_p1.p7z (eps2.9_pyth0n-pt1.p7z) 06/02 16:45
2x12 pyth0n_p2.p7z (eps2.9_pyth0n-pt2.p7z) 06/02 16:45
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