Jeudi 28 décembre 2023

1x05 Les chariots de feu (Chariots of Fire) 28/12 19:52
1x06 Suzuka, pluie (Suzuka, Rain) 28/12 19:52
1x07 Sous le feu des critiques (Underexposure) 28/12 19:52
1x08 Qui se ressemble s'assemble (Birds of a Feather) 28/12 19:52
1x09 Le jour du désastre (The Day of the Disaster) 28/12 19:52
1x10 Ne jamais dire jamais (Never Say Never) 28/12 19:52
1x11 À vos marques, prêts… (Hop -> Step ->) 28/12 19:52
1x12 Overtake 28/12 19:52
Jeudi 28 décembre 2023
Witch Family! (Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijô)

1x06 The Assemblage Circumstances of the Rose Garden 28/12 19:51
1x08 The Cooking Circumstances of the Cursed Witch / The Crazed Circumstances of the Phoenix's Exam 28/12 19:51
1x09 The Personal Circumstances of the Nervous Mama / The Family Circumstances of the Questionable Visitor 28/12 19:51
1x10 The Troubled Circumstances of the Confined Son / The Public Park Circumstances of Heart vs. Tongue 28/12 19:51
1x12 The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch 28/12 19:51
Jeudi 28 décembre 2023
Dark Gathering

1x16 Propriété (House Hunting) 28/12 19:51
1x17 La Demeure de l'Annonciation (The House of the Virgin Conception) 28/12 19:51
1x18 L'Avant-jour (Morning Twilight) 28/12 19:51
1x19 Ascension (Within the Brothel) 28/12 19:51
1x20 Vieille écluse I - Rancune de l'innocence (The Old I Watergate: An Innocent Grudge) 28/12 19:51
1x21 Vieille écluse I - Âme resplendissante (The Old I Watergate: Resplendence) 28/12 19:51
1x22 Vieille écluse I - Le Passage enflammé (The Old I Watergate: Pleasure District in Flames) 28/12 19:51
1x23 Les mystères de l'école - Cache-cache (Scary School Stories: Hide and Seek) 28/12 19:51
1x24 Les mystères de l'école - Cauchemar (Scary School Stories: Nightmare) 28/12 19:51
1x25 Rassemblement des ténèbres (Dark Gathering) 28/12 19:51
Jeudi 28 décembre 2023
Tearmoon Empire (Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari: Dantôdai kara Hajimaru, Hime no Tensei Gyakuten Story)

1x04 Shall We Dance? 28/12 19:51
1x05 Princess Mia Swoons 28/12 19:51
1x06 The Sword Fighting Tournament: Prince Abel's Fight 28/12 19:51
1x07 Princess Mia Sees Clearly 28/12 19:51
1x08 Princess Mia Grins Slyly 28/12 19:51
1x09 Princess Mia's (Love-Focused) Choice 28/12 19:51
1x10 Princess Miya Is Kidnapped! 28/12 19:51
1x11 A Reunion, a Duel, and... 28/12 19:51
1x12 To Keep What Was Preciously Grown from Withering 28/12 19:51
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