Lundi 11 novembre 2024
Un meurtrier sous mon toit (Evil Lives Here)
5x08 Des parents mortels (I Hate Being Daddy's Girl) 11/11 17:16
5x09 I Wish I'd Turned Around 11/11 17:16
5x10 One Of His Women 11/11 17:16
12x01 He Should Have Died Sooner 11/11 17:26
12x02 He Tied Me Up, Too 11/11 17:26
12x03 Sleeping with the Enemy 11/11 17:26
12x04 A Special Place in Hell 11/11 17:26
12x05 He Pretended to Save Me 11/11 17:26
12x06 I Found His Confession 11/11 17:26
12x07 I Watched Daddy Bury Mommy 11/11 17:26
12x08 I Made It Out Alive 11/11 17:26
12x09 Scratch My Murderous Itch 11/11 17:26
14x01 We're Glad Mom is Dead 11/11 17:28
14x02 Trapped in a House of Torture 11/11 17:28
14x03 My Brother Let the Evil In 11/11 17:28
14x04 Murder at Sea 11/11 17:28
14x05 He Had a Torture Chamber 11/11 17:28
14x06 She Knew it Was Goodbye 11/11 17:28
14x07 I Wanted My Father to Die 11/11 17:28
14x08 Three-and-A-Half Hours of Hell 11/11 17:28
14x09 The Killer Speaks - Body in the Barrel 11/11 17:28
14x10 Can You Believe a Killer? 11/11 17:28
Lundi 11 novembre 2024
Tulsa King
1x01 À l'Ouest, l'ancêtre (Go West, Old Man) 11/11 01:58
1x02 Le centre de l'Univers (Center of the Universe) 11/11 01:58
1x03 La Chevrolet (Caprice) 11/11 01:58
1x04 Une question de territoire (Visitation Place) 11/11 01:58
Lundi 11 novembre 2024
Hot Ones Québec
1x01 Pier-Luc Funk, compétitif jusqu'au bout de la langue 11/11 01:56
1x02 Valérie Plante passe du côté givré au côté piquant 11/11 01:56
1x03 Stéphane Rousseau, confidences et sauces piquantes 11/11 01:56
1x04 Boucar Diouf, fier de sa langue même si elle brûle 11/11 01:56
1x05 Katherine Levac, accent charmant et bouche en feu 11/11 01:56
1x06 Kevin Owens ou vouloir mettre un lutteur au tapis 11/11 01:56
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