Jeudi 30 janvier 2025
Solo Leveling (Ore dake Level Up na Ken)

2x01 You aren't E-rank, are You 30/01 19:03
2x02 I Suppose You aren't Aware 30/01 19:03
2x03 Still a Long Way to Go 30/01 19:03
2x04 I Need to Stop Faking 30/01 19:03
Jeudi 30 janvier 2025
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : Les Anneaux de Pouvoir (The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power)

2x01 Les Anneaux des Elfes sous les Etoiles (Elven Kings Under the Sky) 30/01 19:03
2x02 Là où les étoiles sont étranges (Where the Stars are Strange) 30/01 19:03
2x03 L'Aigle et le Sceptre (The Eagle and the Sceptre) 30/01 19:03
2x04 L'ainé (Eldest) 30/01 19:03
2x05 Salles de Pierre (Halls of Stone) 30/01 19:03
2x06 Où est-il ? (Where Is He?) 30/01 19:03
2x07 Condamné (Doomed to Die) 30/01 19:03
2x08 L'ombre et la flamme (Shadow and Flame) 30/01 19:03
Jeudi 30 janvier 2025
Squid Game (Ojingeo geim)

2x05 Un jeu de plus (One More Game) 30/01 19:02
2x06 O X (O X) 30/01 19:02
2x07 Amis ou ennemis (Friend or Foe) 30/01 19:02
Jeudi 30 janvier 2025
Percy Jackson et les Olympiens (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)

1x08 La prophétie se réalise (The Prophecy Comes True) 30/01 19:00
Mercredi 22 janvier 2025
The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Party kara Tsuihô Sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyô ni Tsuki)

1x01 Regarding Their Meeting, Which Was, in Fact, a Reunion 22/01 12:36
1x02 Regarding the Banishment, Which Was, in Fact, the Start of a New Voyage 22/01 12:36
1x03 Regarding the Magician, Who Is, in Fact, a Kind Soul 22/01 12:36
1x04 Regarding the Rescue, Which Is, in Fact, a Farewell 22/01 12:36
1x05 Regarding the Meddling, Which Is, in Fact, a Reason for Concern 22/01 12:36
1x06 Regarding the Quest, Which Is, in Fact, the Start of a Comeback 22/01 12:36
1x07 Regarding the Crossing of Paths, Which Was, in Fact, a Fateful Encounter 22/01 12:36
1x08 Regarding the Man, Who Was, in Fact, an Old Friend 22/01 12:36
1x09 Regarding the Master, Who Was, in Fact, the Apprentice 22/01 12:36
1x10 Regarding the Magician, Who Was, in Fact, a Two-Faced Liar 22/01 12:36
1x11 Regarding the Uprising, Which Was, in Fact, the Beginning of Destruction 22/01 12:36
1x12 Regarding the Conclusion, Which Was, in Fact, the Start of a New Journey 22/01 12:36
Mardi 14 janvier 2025
Maid-sama! (Kaichô wa Maid-sama!)

1x27 Special: Ça, c'est du bonus ! (Special: It's an Extra!) 14/01 20:18
Mardi 14 janvier 2025
Kenshin le Vagabond (2023) (Rurôni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023))

2x13 Aoshi vs. Okina 14/01 20:17
Remonter le temps