Lundi 1 janvier 2024
The Hunt for a Killer (Jakten på en mördare)
1x01 Episode 1 01/01 14:10
1x02 Episode 2 01/01 14:10
1x03 Episode 3 01/01 14:10
1x04 Episode 4 01/01 14:10
1x05 Episode 5 01/01 14:10
1x06 Episode 6 01/01 14:10
Jeudi 14 décembre 2023
The Killing Vote (Gungminsahyeongtupyo)
1x01 Episode 1 14/12 23:45
1x02 Episode 2 14/12 23:45
1x03 Episode 3 14/12 23:45
1x04 Episode 4 14/12 23:45
1x05 Episode 5 14/12 23:45
1x06 Episode 6 14/12 23:45
1x07 Episode 7 14/12 23:45
Mardi 28 novembre 2023
The Continental: From the World of John Wick
1x01 Frères d'armes (Brothers in Arms) 28/11 12:12
1x02 Loyauté au maître (Loyalty to the Master) 28/11 12:12
1x03 Théâtre de la souffrance (Theater of Pain) 28/11 12:12
Du vendredi 17 novembre 2023 au mardi 28 novembre 2023
Gen V
1x03 Think Brink (#ThinkBrink) 17/11 22:00
1x04 Toute la vérité (The Whole Truth) 17/11 22:00
1x05 Bienvenue au club des monstres (Welcome to the Monster Club) 28/11 12:11
1x06 Jumanji 28/11 12:11
1x07 Nausée (Sick) 28/11 12:11
1x08 Les gardiens de la Godolkin (Guardians of Godolkin) 28/11 12:11
Lundi 13 novembre 2023
1x04 Prends-en de la graine, Neil Armstrong (Neil Armstrong, Eat Your Heart Out) 13/11 03:19
1x05 Ça fait mal (That Actually Hurt) 13/11 03:19
1x06 T'as l'air un peu mort (You Look Kinda Dead) 13/11 03:19
1x07 Faut qu'on parle (We Need to Talk) 13/11 03:19
1x08 Là d'où je viens (Where I Really Come From) 13/11 14:14
Lundi 13 novembre 2023
Gen V
1x01 Godolkin University (God U.) 13/11 03:18
1x02 Premier jour (First Day) 13/11 03:18
Dimanche 12 novembre 2023
1x02 Quand faut y aller (Here Goes Nothing) 12/11 04:04
1x03 Qui c'est qui est moche ? (Who You Calling Ugly?) 12/11 04:04
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