Du vendredi 26 novembre 2021 au vendredi 10 décembre 2021
Stargate SG-1
3x04 Héritage (Legacy) 26/11 04:12
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3x05 Méthodes d’apprentissage (Learning Curve) 26/11 04:12
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3x06 De l’autre côté du miroir (Point of View) 26/11 04:12
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3x07 Le chasseur de prime (Deadman Switch) 01/12 02:28
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3x08 Les démons (Demons) 01/12 02:28
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3x09 Règles de combat (Rules of Engagement) 01/12 02:28
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3x10 Le jour sans fin (Forever in a Day) 01/12 02:28
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3x11 Le passé oublié (Past and Present) 01/12 02:29
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3x12 Les flammes de l’enfer (1) (Jolinar's Memories (1)) 01/12 02:29
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3x13 Les flammes de l’enfer (2) (The Devil You Know (2)) 01/12 02:29
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3x14 Invasion (Foothold) 01/12 02:29
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3x15 Simulation (Pretense) 01/12 02:29
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3x16 Un étrange compagnon (Urgo) 06/12 01:18
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3x17 La pluie de feu (A Hundred Days) 06/12 01:18
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3x18 Trahisons (Shades of Grey) 06/12 01:19
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3x19 Un nouveau monde (New Ground) 06/12 01:19
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3x20 Instinct maternel (Maternal Instinct) 06/12 01:20
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3x21 Le crâne de cristal (Crystal Skull) 06/12 01:20
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3x22 Némésis (Nemesis (1)) 06/12 01:20
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4x01 Victoires illusoires (Small Victories (2)) 06/12 01:20
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4x02 L’autre côté (The Other Side) 06/12 01:21
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4x03 Expérimentation (Upgrades) 06/12 01:21
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4x04 Destins croisés (Crossroads) 06/12 01:21
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4x05 Diviser pour conquérir (Divide and Conquer) 06/12 01:21
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4x06 L’histoire sans fin (Window of Opportunity) 06/12 01:22
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4x07 Eaux troubles (Watergate) 10/12 04:53
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4x08 Primitifs (The First Ones) 10/12 04:53
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4x09 Terre brûlée (Scorched Earth) 10/12 04:53
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4x10 Sous la glace (Beneath the Surface) 10/12 04:53
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4x11 Point de non-retour (Point of No Return) 10/12 04:53
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Remonter le temps
« When the Big Bang happened, all the atoms in the universe were all smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward, so my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then and... who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years, so my atoms have known your atoms and they've always known your atoms. My atoms have always loved your atoms. »