Dimanche 3 novembre 2019
1x01 Pilote (Pilot) 03/11 12:01
1x02 Le dernier chic type de New York (The Last Nice Guy in New York) 03/11 12:01
1x03 Peut-être (Maybe) 03/11 12:01
1x04 Le capitaine (The Captain) 03/11 12:01
1x05 Vivre avec l'ennemi (Living with the Enemy) 03/11 12:01
1x06 L'amour fou (Amour Fou) 03/11 12:01
1x07 Toulation, nom féminin (Everythingship) 03/11 12:01
1x08 Tout à toi (You Got Me, Babe) 03/11 12:01
1x09 Candace 03/11 12:01
1x10 Le château de Barbe bleue (Bluebeard's Castle) 03/11 12:01
Dimanche 3 novembre 2019
1x01 Secrets (Geheimnisse) 03/11 12:01
1x02 Mensonges (Lügen) 03/11 12:01
1x03 Passé et présent (Gestern und Heute) 03/11 12:01
1x04 Doubles vies (Doppelleben) 03/11 12:01
1x05 Vérités (Wahrheiten) 03/11 12:01
1x06 Sic mundus creatus est (Sic Mundus Creatus Est) 03/11 12:01
1x07 Carrefour (Kreuzwege) 03/11 12:01
1x08 On récolte ce que l'on sème (Was man sät, das wird man ernten) 03/11 12:01
1x09 Tout est maintenant (Alles ist jetzt) 03/11 12:01
1x10 Alpha et oméga (Alpha und Omega) 03/11 12:01
Dimanche 3 novembre 2019
Light as a Feather : le jeu maudit (Light as a Feather)
1x01 Raide comme la mort (…Stiff as a Board) 03/11 11:59
1x02 L'Anniversaire (…Pretty as a Picture) 03/11 11:59
1x03 La Gentille Fille (…Dead as a Doornail) 03/11 11:59
1x04 Sorcellerie ? (…Dark as the Night) 03/11 11:59
1x05 Le Piège (…Mad as a Hatter) 03/11 11:59
1x06 Une nouvelle piste (…Troubled as the Tide) 03/11 11:59
1x07 L'Océan bleu (…Right as Rain) 03/11 11:59
1x08 Le Carnet (…Cold as Ice) 03/11 11:59
1x09 Retour en arrière (…Innocent as a Lamb) 03/11 11:59
1x10 La Dernière Prédiction (…Slippery as an Eel) 03/11 11:59
2x01 …Lost as Eden 03/11 11:59
2x02 …Free as a Bird 03/11 11:59
2x03 …Sly as a Fox 03/11 11:59
2x04 ...Sick as a Dog 03/11 11:59
2x05 ...Silent as the Night 03/11 11:59
2x06 ...Pale as Death 03/11 11:59
2x07 ...Guilty as Sin 03/11 11:59
2x08 ...White as a Ghost 03/11 11:59
2x09 ...Fresh as a Daisy 03/11 11:59
2x10 ...Trapped as a Rat 03/11 11:59
2x11 ...Clear as Mud 03/11 11:59
2x12 ...Hungry Like a Wolf 03/11 11:59
2x13 ...Thick as Thieves 03/11 11:59
2x14 …Mean as a Rattlesnake 03/11 11:59
2x15 ...Quiet as a Tomb 03/11 11:59
2x16 …Brave as a Lion 03/11 11:59
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