Dimanche 14 janvier 2024
Super détectives ! (The InBESTigators)
1x01 L'affaire de la curieuse nouvelle (The Case of the Curious New Girl) 14/01 11:08
1x02 L'affaire des colis volatilisés (The Case of the Disappearing Deliveries) 14/01 11:08
1x03 L'affaire du système solaire disparu (The Case of the Missing Solar System) 14/01 11:08
1x04 L'affaire du danseur en détresse) (The Case of the Distressed Dancer) 14/01 11:08
1x05 L'affaire du secret de la soirée pyjama (The Case of the Sleepover Secret) 14/01 11:08
1x06 L'affaire du pari de la plus grande bouche (The Case of the Big Mouth Challenge) 14/01 11:08
1x07 L'affaire du pénible canular téléphonique (The Case of the Pestering Prank Caller) 14/01 11:08
1x08 L'affaire du sportif pas très sport (The Case of the Spoiled Sports Day) 14/01 11:08
1x09 L'affaire de l'excursion prometteuse (The Case of the Exciting Excursion) 14/01 11:08
1x10 L'affaire du carnet vraiment introuvable (The Case of the Very Lost Notebook) 14/01 11:08
1x11 L'affaire du gicleur louche (The Case of the Suspect Sprinkler) 14/01 11:08
1x12 L'affaire du quiz insolite (The Case of the Peculiar Pop Quiz) 14/01 11:08
1x13 (L'affaire du sabotage des sciences physiques (The Case of the Science Sabotage) 14/01 11:08
1x14 L'affaire de la répétition maudite (The Case of the Wrecked Rehearsal) 14/01 11:08
1x15 L'affaire du tableau déconcertant (The Case of the Perplexing Painting) 14/01 11:08
1x16 L'affaire du voleur de tortues (The Case of the Turtle Thief) 14/01 11:08
1x17 L'affaire de la tasse égarée (The Case of the Misplaced Mug) 14/01 11:08
1x18 L'affaire de la petite sœur triste (The Case of the Sad Little Sister) 14/01 11:08
1x19 L'affaire du drone désorienté (The Case of the Disoriented Drone) 14/01 11:08
1x20 L'affaire de la lettre mystérieuse (The Case of the Baffling Birthday) 14/01 11:08
2x01 The Case of the Concert Catastrophe 14/01 11:08
2x02 The Case of the Soccer Saga 14/01 11:08
2x03 The Case of the Puzzling Pet Day 14/01 11:08
2x04 The Case of the Copy Cat 14/01 11:08
2x05 The Case of the Rosemary Riddle 14/01 11:08
2x06 The Case of the Robot Robbery 14/01 11:08
2x07 The Case of the Vanishing Koalas 14/01 11:08
2x08 The Case of the Extremely Empty Freezer 14/01 11:08
2x09 The Case of the Miraculous Mini Golfer 14/01 11:08
2x10 The Case of the Problematic Party 14/01 11:08
2x11 The Case of the Lousy Lunch Orders 14/01 11:08
2x12 The Case of the Interrupting Intern 14/01 11:08
2x13 The Case of the Freaky Frequency 14/01 11:08
2x14 The Case of the Tricky Trimathalon 14/01 11:08
2x15 The Case of the Burgled Bags 14/01 11:08
2x16 The Case of the Distracted Detective 14/01 11:08
2x17 The Case of the Fishy Fundraiser 14/01 11:08
2x18 The Case of the Incredible Fortune Teller 14/01 11:08
2x19 The Case of the Unhappy Camper 14/01 11:08
2x20 The Case of the Triple Inbestigation 14/01 11:08
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