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Etudiante de cinéma KCL


Lundi 11 juin 2018

Crash Course

1x01 The Agricultural Revolution 11/06 19:55

1x02 Indus Valley Civilization 11/06 19:55

1x03 Mesopotamia 11/06 19:55

1x04 Ancient Egypt 11/06 19:55

1x05 The Persians & The Greeks 11/06 19:55

1x06 Buddha and Ashoka 11/06 19:55

1x07 2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius 11/06 19:55

1x08 Alexander the Great and the Situation... the Great? 11/06 19:55

1x09 The Silk Road and Ancient Trade 11/06 19:55

1x10 The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It? 11/06 19:55

1x11 Christianity from Judaism to the Constantine 11/06 19:55

1x12 Fall of The Roman Empire... in the 15th Century 11/06 19:55

1x13 Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars All Without a Flamewar 11/06 19:55

1x14 The Dark Ages...How Dark Were They Really? 11/06 19:55

1x15 The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War? 11/06 19:55

1x16 Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa 11/06 19:55

1x17 Wait For It... The Mongols! 11/06 19:55

1x18 International Commerce, Snorkeling Camels, and The Indian Ocean Trade 11/06 19:55

1x19 Venice and the Ottoman Empire 11/06 19:55

1x20 Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the The Mongols 11/06 19:55

1x21 Columbus, de Gama and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners 11/06 19:55

1x22 The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? 11/06 19:55

1x23 The Columbian Exchange 11/06 19:55

1x24 The Atlantic Slave Trade 11/06 19:55

1x25 The Spanish Empire, Silver, & Runaway Inflation 11/06 19:55

1x26 The Seven Years War 11/06 19:55

1x27 The Amazing Life and Strange Death of Captain Cook 11/06 19:55

1x28 Tea, Taxes, and The American Revolution 11/06 19:55

1x29 The French Revolution 11/06 19:55

1x30 Haitian Revolutions 11/06 19:55

1x31 Latin American Revolutions 11/06 19:55

1x32 Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution 11/06 19:55

1x33 Capitalism and Socialism 11/06 19:55

1x34 Samurai, Daimyo, Matthew Perry, and Nationalism 11/06 19:55

1x35 Imperialism 11/06 19:55

1x36 Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I 11/06 19:55

1x37 Communists, Nationalists, and China's Revolutions 11/06 19:55

1x38 World War II 11/06 19:55

1x39 USA vs USSR Fight! The Cold War 11/06 19:55

1x40 Decolonization and Nationalism Triumphant 11/06 19:55

1x41 Globalization I - The Upside 11/06 19:55

1x42 Globalization II - Good or Bad? 11/06 19:55

1x100 Crash Course World History Outtakes 1 11/06 19:55

1x101 Crash Course World History Outtakes 2 11/06 19:55

1x102 Crash Course World History Outtakes 3 11/06 19:55

Remonter le temps
  • All Things Must Die

  • Classic

  • The One True Genius

  • The Other True Genius

  • Goofball

  • Dork

  • Puddin/Pumpkin Pie

  • THE Squad

  • We Are The People

  • Kindred Spirit

The Best

  • The OC

  • Gotham

  • The Leftovers

  • Daredevil

  • The Office

  • Stranger Things

  • Arrested Development

  • Sherlock

  • Skam

  • BTAS