Du vendredi 29 septembre 2023 au samedi 30 septembre 2023

1x01 Welcome to the playground (Welcome to the Playground) 29/09 19:38
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1x02 Certains mystères ne devraient jamais être résolus (Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved) 29/09 20:13
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1x03 Cette violence crasse nécessaire au changement (The Base Violence Necessary for Change) 30/09 19:15
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Mardi 1 août 2023

1x01 Rencontre (Meet) 01/08 01:01
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1x02 Béguin (Crush) 01/08 01:01
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1x03 Baiser (Kiss) 01/08 01:01
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1x04 Secret 01/08 01:01
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1x05 Amitié (Friend) 01/08 01:01
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1x06 Filles (Girls) 01/08 01:01
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1x07 Harcèlement (Bully) 01/08 01:01
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1x08 Petit ami (Boyfriend) 01/08 01:01
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Du lundi 17 juillet 2023 au dimanche 30 juillet 2023
Once Upon a Time

1x10 Le vol de la colombe (7:15 A.M.) 17/07 22:49
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1x11 Le génie (Fruit of the Poisonous Tree) 18/07 23:11
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1x12 La Belle et la Bête (Skin Deep) 21/07 23:43
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1x13 Le chevalier d'or (What Happened to Frederick) 22/07 21:58
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1x14 Nova et Rêveur (Dreamy) 22/07 22:43
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1x15 Le grand méchant loup (Red-Handed) 22/07 23:45
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1x16 Le chemin des ténèbres (Heart of Darkness) 23/07 00:52
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1x17 Le chapelier fou (Hat Trick) 23/07 22:02
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1x18 Daniel (The Stable Boy) 23/07 22:47
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1x19 Le bon fils (The Return) 24/07 21:07
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1x20 La promesse de Pinocchio (The Stranger) 24/07 21:53
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1x21 La pomme empoisonnée (An Apple Red as Blood) 25/07 21:52
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1x22 Le véritable amour (A Land Without Magic) 25/07 22:42
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2x01 Le retour de la magie (Broken) 26/07 22:26
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2x02 Prisonniers (We Are Both) 27/07 21:35
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2x03 Lancelot (Lady of the Lake) 28/07 20:23
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2x04 Le crocodile (The Crocodile) 28/07 21:23
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2x05 Le docteur (The Doctor) 29/07 20:53
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2x06 Tallahassee 30/07 21:36
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