Dimanche 16 mai 2021
Why Women Kill
1x05 Pas de larmes pour un meurtre (There's No Crying in Murder) 16/05 20:14
1x06 Fatal à tous les coups (Practically Lethal in Every Way) 16/05 21:17
Dimanche 9 mai 2021
Why Women Kill
1x03 Tango (I Killed Everyone He Did, But Backwards and in High Heels) 09/05 20:15
1x04 Tu m'as poussée au meurtre (You Had Me at Homicide) 09/05 21:05
Mercredi 5 mai 2021
Euphoria (2019)
1x10 J'emmerde tout le monde, sauf les blobs marins (F*ck Anyone Who's Not a Sea Blob) 05/05 11:22
Dimanche 2 mai 2021
Why Women Kill
1x01 Le couple était presque parfait (Murder Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry) 02/05 21:06
1x02 Jamais deux sans trois (I'd Like to Kill Ya, But I Just Washed My Hair) 02/05 21:06
Du mercredi 14 avril 2021 au dimanche 18 avril 2021
Sex Education
1x01 Episode 1 14/04 22:25
1x02 Episode 2 14/04 22:25
1x03 Episode 3 15/04 11:24
1x04 Episode 4 15/04 12:53
1x05 Episode 5 15/04 18:50
1x06 Episode 6 15/04 20:46
1x07 Episode 7 15/04 21:39
1x08 Episode 8 15/04 22:39
2x01 Episode 1 17/04 21:32
2x02 Episode 2 17/04 22:26
2x03 Episode 3 17/04 23:15
2x04 Episode 4 18/04 08:46
2x05 Episode 5 18/04 18:29
2x06 Episode 6 18/04 20:11
2x07 Episode 7 18/04 21:01
2x08 Episode 8 18/04 22:07
Du lundi 12 avril 2021 au mercredi 14 avril 2021
The Wilds
1x02 Jour 2 (Day Two) 12/04 09:34
1x03 Jour 3 (Day Three) 12/04 10:41
1x04 Jour 6 (Day Six) 14/04 11:44
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