Mardi 12 novembre 2024
Horimiya (anime)
1x01 Il suffit d'un déclic (A Tiny Happenstance) 12/11 21:32
1x02 On a tous plusieurs facettes (You Wear More Than One Face) 12/11 21:32
1x03 Mais si, ça ira (That's Why It's Okay) 12/11 21:32
1x04 L'amour, ça arrive à tout le monde (Everybody Loves Somebody) 12/11 21:32
1x05 Ca, ça ne se dit pas (I Can't Say It Out Loud) 12/11 21:32
1x06 L'été s'annonce chaud (This Summer's Going to Be a Hot One) 12/11 21:32
1x07 Là où tu es, là où je suis (You're Here, I Here) 12/11 21:32
1x08 La vérité que révèle le mensonge (The Truth Deception Reveals) 12/11 21:32
1x09 C'est difficile, mais rien d'impossible (It's Hard, but Not Impossible) 12/11 21:32
1x10 Jusqu'à ce que la neige fonde (Until the Snow Melts) 12/11 21:32
1x11 Qui aime bien châtie bien (It May Seem Like Hate) 12/11 21:32
1x12 A jamais immuable (Hitherto, and Forevermore) 12/11 21:32
1x13 J'aimerais au moins t'offrir ce ciel presque sans nuage (I Would Gift You the Sky) 12/11 21:32
Mardi 12 novembre 2024
Prison School (Kangoku Gakuen)
1x01 The Peep Job 12/11 21:31
1x02 The Man Who Viewed Too Much 12/11 21:31
1x03 A Mighty Spurt 12/11 21:31
1x04 Take Me Out to the Sumoland 12/11 21:31
1x05 The School's Number One Most Treacherous Man 12/11 21:31
1x06 Vengeance is Hana's 12/11 21:31
1x07 Meiko's Delicious Restaurant 12/11 21:31
1x08 The Diary of Andre 12/11 21:31
1x09 Full of Bodily Fluids 12/11 21:31
1x10 It's a Bum-derful Life 12/11 21:31
1x11 Eryngii Brockovich 12/11 21:31
1x12 Good Morning, Prison 12/11 21:31
1x13 OAD : Mad Wax 12/11 21:31
Mardi 12 novembre 2024
Le Garçon d'à Côté (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun)
1x01 Mon voisin Haru Yoshida (Sitting Next to Yoshida-kun) 12/11 21:31
1x02 Bizarre (Weird) 12/11 21:31
1x03 Plaie (Nuisance) 12/11 21:31
1x04 Vacances d'été (Summer Break) 12/11 21:31
1x05 Histoires de famille (Yoshida Family Matters) 12/11 21:31
1x06 Jeunes filles mélancoliques (Girls Feeling Melancholy) 12/11 21:31
1x07 La distance entre nous (The Distance Between Us) 12/11 21:31
1x08 Bienvenue au festival de Shôyô ! (Welcome to Shouyou Festival) 12/11 21:31
1x09 Tout ou rien (0 And 1) 12/11 21:31
1x10 Noël (Christmas) 12/11 21:31
1x11 Kenji, le fils des Yamaguchi (Kenji of Yamaguchi) 12/11 21:31
1x12 La fin de l'année arrive (New Year Time) 12/11 21:31
1x13 Le printemps approche (Spring/Haru is Close) 12/11 21:31
1x14 OAD: Tonari no Gokudou-kun 12/11 21:31
Remonter le temps