Mardi 12 novembre 2024
1x01 Retrouvailles aux starting-blocks ! (Reunion at the Starting Block!) 12/11 21:30
1x02 Souvenirs dans la distance ! (Memories in the Distance!) 12/11 21:30
1x03 Battement de dauphin théorique ! (Theoretical Dolphin Kick!) 12/11 21:30
1x04 Le papillon emprisonné ! (Captive Butterfly) 12/11 21:30
1x05 Épreuve en eaux profondes ! (Trial in Open Water!) 12/11 21:30
1x06 Absence de respiration choquante ! (Shocking No Breathing!) 12/11 21:30
1x07 Combat décisif au style simple ! (One Style Final!) 12/11 21:30
1x08 Revanche au relais ! (Revenge in the Medley!) 12/11 21:30
1x09 Relâchement hésitant ! (Hesitant Loosen Up!) 12/11 21:30
1x10 Rythme cardiaque irritant (Irritated Heart Rate) 12/11 21:30
1x11 All-out passionné ! (Furious All-out!) 12/11 21:30
1x12 Liberté lointaine ! (Distant Free!) 12/11 21:30
1x13 Free! Short Movie 1 12/11 21:30
1x14 Free! Short Movie 2 12/11 21:30
1x15 Free! Short Movie 3 12/11 21:30
2x01 Une course endiablée (Stormy Dive-Dash!) 12/11 21:30
2x02 La nage du destin (The Stroke of a Chance Encounter!) 12/11 21:30
2x03 Le papillon des adieux (The Butterfly of Farewell!) 12/11 21:30
2x04 Le virage promis (The Somersault Turn of Promise!) 12/11 21:30
2x05 Respiration déterminée (A Resolution's Heads-Up!) 12/11 21:30
2x06 L’invincible premier ! (Invincible Prime!) 12/11 21:30
2x07 Le track start de la revanche ! (The Crouching Start of Vindication!) 12/11 21:30
2x08 La curieuse locomotive ! (The Locomotive of a Twist!) 12/11 21:30
2x09 Forme au ralenti ! (Forming a Standstill!) 12/11 21:30
2x10 Les larmes des six battements ! (The Six-Beat Kick of Tears!) 12/11 21:30
2x11 Le virage de la destinée ! (The Open Turn of Destiny!) 12/11 21:30
2x12 Prolongations à l'étranger ! (A Swim-Off in a Foreign Land!) 12/11 21:30
2x13 Le début de l'été éternel ! (The Eternal Summer of Beginnings!) 12/11 21:30
2x14 OAV: Forbidden All Hard! 12/11 21:30
3x01 Départ de plongeon bourgeonnant ! (Sprouting Dive Start!) 12/11 21:30
3x02 La promesse sous les étoiles ! (A Promise on a Shooting Star!) 12/11 21:30
3x03 Nage à poings fermés à l’étranger ! (First Swim in Another Country!) 12/11 21:30
3x04 Perte par immixtion ! (Interference of Loss!) 12/11 21:30
3x05 Entraînement de mauvais augure ! (An Ominous Workout!) 12/11 21:30
3x06 La sirène des abysses ! (The Mermaid of the Abyss!) 12/11 21:30
3x07 Relais loin du monde ! (A Solitary Medley!) 12/11 21:30
3x08 La métamorphose de l’âme ! (Metamorphosis of the Soul!) 12/11 21:30
3x09 Accalmie en soirée ! (Interval in the Evening Calm!) 12/11 21:30
3x10 Le plongeon de l’espoir ! (The Grab Start of Hope!) 12/11 21:30
3x11 La streamline du rassemblement ! (Streamline of Unity!) 12/11 21:30
3x12 Dive to the Future ! (Dive to the Future!) 12/11 21:30
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