Jeudi 19 décembre 2024
Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian (Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san)

1x01 Alya Hiding Her Feelings in Russian 19/12 22:45
1x02 What is a Childhood Friend Really? 19/12 22:45
1x03 And So They Met 19/12 22:45
1x04 An Outpouring of Emotion 19/12 22:45
1x05 Different People, Common Undercurrent 19/12 22:45
1x06 A Kiss of the Indirect Variety 19/12 22:45
1x07 A Storm Arrives 19/12 22:45
1x08 Student Congress 19/12 22:45
1x09 Rom-commy with a Chance of Hypnosis 19/12 22:45
1x10 Birthday Party, Much Belated 19/12 22:45
1x11 An Unexpected Curtain-Raiser 19/12 22:45
1x12 Chin Up and Face Forward 19/12 22:45
Du dimanche 24 novembre 2024 au mercredi 27 novembre 2024

2x01 Le fardeau des responsabilités (Heavy Is the Crown) 24/11 13:14
2x02 Tout regarder brûler (Watch It All Burn) 24/11 13:14
2x03 Tu m'appelles enfin par mon nom (Finally Got the Name Right) 24/11 13:14
2x04 Peins la ville en bleu (Paint the Town Blue) 24/11 13:14
2x05 Creuser, malgré tout (Blisters and Bedrock) 24/11 13:14
2x06 Le message caché dans le schéma (The Message Hidden Within the Pattern) 24/11 13:14
2x07 Comme si c'était la première fois (Pretend Like It's the First Time) 27/11 15:31
2x08 Tuer est un cycle (Killing Is a Cycle) 27/11 15:31
2x09 La terre sous tes ongles (The Dirt Under Your Nails) 27/11 15:31
Samedi 5 octobre 2024
Kaiju No. 8 (Kaijû 8 Gô)

1x03 Revenge Match 05/10 16:18
1x04 Fortitude 9.8 05/10 16:18
1x05 Joining Up! 05/10 16:18
1x06 Sagamihara Neutralization Operation At Daybreak 05/10 16:18
1x07 Kaiju No. 9 05/10 16:18
1x08 Welcome to the Defense Force 05/10 16:18
1x09 Attack on Tachikawa Base 05/10 16:18
1x10 Secret Revealed 05/10 16:18
1x11 Kaiju No. 8 Captured 05/10 16:18
1x12 Kafka Hibino 05/10 16:18
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