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Mardi 15 juin 2021


2x06 Le spécialiste (A Stitch in Crime) 15/06 11:19

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2x07 Match dangereux (The Most Dangerous Match) 15/06 11:19

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2x08 Double choc (Double Shock) 15/06 11:19

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3x01 Adorable mais dangereuse (Lovely but Lethal) 15/06 11:19

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3x02 Quand le vin est tiré (Any Old Port in a Storm) 15/06 11:19

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3x03 Candidat au crime (Candidate for Crime) 15/06 11:19

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3x04 Subconscient (Double Exposure) 15/06 11:19

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3x05 Édition tragique (Publish or Perish) 15/06 11:19

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3x06 Au-delà de la folie (Mind over Mayhem) 15/06 11:19

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3x07 Le chant du cygne (Swan Song) 15/06 11:19

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3x08 En toute amitié (A Friend in Deed) 15/06 11:19

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4x01 Exercice fatal (An Exercise in Fatality) 15/06 11:19

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4x02 Réaction négative (Negative Reaction) 15/06 11:19

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4x03 Entre le crépuscule et l’aube (By Dawn's Early Light) 15/06 11:19

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4x04 Eaux troubles (Troubled Waters) 15/06 11:19

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4x05 Play back (Playback) 15/06 11:19

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4x06 État d’esprit (A Deadly State of Mind) 15/06 11:20

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5x01 La femme oubliée (Forgotten Lady) 15/06 11:20

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5x02 Immunité diplomatique (A Case of Immunity) 15/06 11:20

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5x03 Jeu d’identité (Identity Crisis) 15/06 11:20

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5x04 Question d’honneur (A Matter of Honor) 15/06 11:20

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5x05 Tout n’est qu’illusion (Now You See Him) 15/06 11:20

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5x06 La montre témoin (Last Salute to the Commodore) 15/06 11:20

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6x01 Deux en un (Fade in to Murder) 15/06 11:20

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6x02 Meurtre à l’ancienne (Old Fashioned Murder) 15/06 11:20

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6x03 Les surdoués (The Bye-bye Sky High I.Q. Murder Case) 15/06 11:20

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7x01 Le mystère de la chambre forte (Try and Catch Me) 15/06 11:20

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7x02 Meurtre à la carte (Murder under Glass) 15/06 11:20

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7x03 Meurtre parfait (Make Me a Perfect Murder) 15/06 11:21

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7x04 Jeu de mots (How to Dial a Murder) 15/06 11:21

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