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Octobre 2018

Date Titre N°IR Année Durée Note
5 22/10/2018 Far Far Away IdolFar Far Away Idol 5 2004 10 min
6 22/10/2018 First FlightFirst Flight 6 2006 8 min
7 22/10/2018 Hammy's Boomerang AdventureHammy's Boomerang Adventure 7 2006 5 min
8 22/10/2018 B.O.B.' Big BreakL'anniversaire de B.O.B. (B.O.B.' Big Break) 8 2009 13 min
9 22/10/2018 Megamind: The Button of DoomLe Complot de Mega Megamind (Megamind: The Button of Doom) 9 2011 16 min
10 22/10/2018 The Pig Who Cried WerewolfLe cochon qui criait au loup-garou (The Pig Who Cried Werewolf) 10 2011 6 min
11 22/10/2018 Night of the Living CarrotsNight of the Living Carrots 11 2011 13 min