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Mai 2020

Date Titre N°IR Année Durée Note
3 14/05/2020 The Star BoarderCharlot aime la patronne (The Star Boarder) 3 1914 14 min
4 14/05/2020 Twenty Minutes of LoveCharlot et le chronomètre (Twenty Minutes of Love) 4 1914 20 min
5 14/05/2020 A Film JohnnieCharlot fait du cinéma (A Film Johnnie) 5 1914 11 min
6 14/05/2020 A Jitney ElopementCharlot veut se marier (A Jitney Elopement) 6 1915 26 min
7 14/05/2020 A Night in the ShowCharlot au music-hall (A Night in the Show) 7 1915 30 min
8 15/05/2020 The Face on the Bar Room FloorCharlot artiste peintre (The Face on the Bar Room Floor) 8 1914 14 min
9 15/05/2020 Tango TanglesCharlot danseur (Tango Tangles) 9 1914 12 min
10 15/05/2020 Caught in the RainCharlot et la somnambule (Caught in the Rain) 10 1914 20 min
11 16/05/2020 A Busy DayMadame Charlot (A Busy Day) 11 1914 6 min
12 16/05/2020 Mabel at the WheelMabel au volant (Mabel at the Wheel) 12 1914 18 min
13 19/05/2020 The Fatal MalletLe Maillet de Charlot (The Fatal Mallet) 13 1914 16 min
14 19/05/2020 RecreationFièvre printanière (Recreation) 14 1914 7 min
15 20/05/2020 Those Love PangsCharlot rival d'amour (Those Love Pangs) 15 1914 16 min
16 23/05/2020 His Prehistoric PastCharlot nudiste (His Prehistoric Past) 16 1914 22 min
17 23/05/2020 His Musical CareerCharlot musicien (His Musical Career) 17 1914 16 min
18 25/05/2020 Cruel, Cruel LoveCharlot marquis (Cruel, Cruel Love) 18 1914 14 min