1971 |
Big Jake | 110 | 13.62 | 13 |
1964 |
Le rossignol de Castille (La nueva Cenicienta) | 92 | | |
1960 |
Le Diable dans la peau (Hell Bent for Leather) | 82 | 13 | 1 |
1958 |
Duel dans la Sierra (The Last of the Fast Guns) | 82 | 12 | 2 |
1957 |
Le Shérif D'El Solito (The Hard Man) | 76 | | |
1956 |
Comanche! | 87 | 9.75 | 4 |
1956 |
La vengeance de l'indien (Reprisal!) | 74 | 12 | 1 |
1955 |
Le grand chef (Chief Crazy Horse) | 86 | | |
1955 |
Le Trésor de Pancho Villa (The Treasure of Pancho Villa) | 100 | | |
1954 |
Les Rebelles (Border River) | 80 | 11 | 1 |
1954 |
Vengeance à l'Aube (Dawn at Socorro) | 77 | | |
1953 |
Le solitaire des rocheuses (The Lone Hand) | 80 | | |
1953 |
À l'assaut du Fort Clark (War Arrow) | 80 | 10.5 | 2 |
1952 |
À l'abordage (Against All Flags) | 83 | 11.8 | 5 |
1952 |
Au mépris des lois (The Battle at Apache Pass) | 85 | | |
1951 |
La Princesse de Samarcande (The Golden Horde) | 73 | | |
1951 |
Tomahawk | 82 | 11.5 | 2 |
1950 |
Sur le territoire des Comanches (Comanche Territory) | 76 | 12 | 2 |
1949 |
Le Mustang noir (Red Canyon) | 82 | | |
1949 |
La Fille des prairies (Calamity Jane and Sam Bass) | 86 | | |
1948 |
Bandits de grands chemins (Black Bart) | 80 | | |
1948 |
Larceny | 89 | | |
1948 |
Le Barrage de Burlington (River Lady) | 78 | | |
1948 |
Du sang dans la sierra (Relentless) | 93 | | |
1947 |
Le Dernier des Peaux Rouges (Last of the Redmen) | 79 | | |
1945 |
The Crime Doctor's Courage | 70 | | |
1943 |
Mystery Broadcast | 63 | | |