1978 |
L'inévitable catastrophe (The Swarm) |
Maire Clarence Tertiaire |
12.58 |
7 |
1975 |
Le Triangle des Bermudes (Beyond the Bermuda Triangle) |
Harry Ballinger Principal |
13 |
1 |
1973 |
Charley et l'ange (Charley and the Angel) |
Charley Appleby Principal |
1967 |
Le Plus Heureux des milliardaires (The Happiest Millionaire) |
Anthony J. Drexel Biddle Principal |
1966 |
Demain des hommes (Follow Me, Boys!) |
Lem Siddons Principal |
10 |
1 |
1963 |
Après lui, le déluge (Son of Flubber) |
prof. Ned Brainard Principal |
1962 |
Bon Voyage ! |
Harry Willard Principal |
1961 |
Monte là-dessus (The Absent-Minded Professor) |
Pr Ned Brainard Principal |
12 |
5 |
1960 |
La garçonnière (The Apartment) |
Jeff D. Sheldrake Principal |
15.24 |
65 |
1959 |
Les Comanches passent à l'attaque (The Oregon trail) |
Neal Harris Principal |
1959 |
Quelle vie de chien ! (The Shaggy Dog) |
Wilson Daniels Principal |
17 |
2 |
1955 |
Demain est un autre jour (There's Always Tomorrow) |
Clifford Groves Principal |
11.5 |
2 |
1955 |
Horizons lointains (The Far Horizons) |
capitaine Meriwether Lewis Principal |
13.5 |
4 |
1955 |
Le doigt sur la Gachette (At Gunpoint) |
Jack Wright Principal |
12 |
1 |
1954 |
Du plomb pour l'inspecteur (Pushover) |
Paul Sheridan Principal |
14.26 |
8 |
1954 |
Ouragan sur le Caine (The Caine Mutiny) |
Lieutenant Tom Keefer Principal |
13.1 |
10 |
1953 |
Le Voleur de minuit (The Moonlighter) |
Wes Anderson Principal |
1953 |
Toutes voiles sur Java (Fair Wind to Java) |
Capt. Boll Principal |
13 |
1 |
1951 |
Une vedette disparaît (Callaway Went Thataway) |
Mike Frye Principal |
1950 |
Borderline |
Johnny McEvoy - aka Johnny Macklin Principal |
1950 |
Mon cow-boy adoré (Never a Dull Moment) |
Chris Principal |
1949 |
Ma femme et ses enfants (Family honeymoon) |
Grant Jordan Principal |
1949 |
Father Was a Fullback |
George Cooper Principal |
1948 |
Le Miracle des cloches (The Miracle of the Bells) |
William 'Bill' Dunnigan Principal |
12 |
2 |
1947 |
L’Œuf et moi (The Egg and I) |
Bob MacDonald Principal |
1946 |
La Dangereuse aventure |
Jim Ryan Principal |
1945 |
Murder, He Says |
Pete Marshall Principal |
1945 |
Drôle d'histoire (Where Do We Go from Here?) |
Bill Morgan Principal |
1944 |
Assurance sur la mort (Double Indemnity) |
Walter Neff Principal |
15.74 |
51 |
1944 |
L'Amour cherche un toit (Standing Room Only) |
Lee Stevens Principal |
1943 |
Un espion a disparu (Above Suspicion) |
Richard Myles Principal |
12 |
2 |
1942 |
Madame veut un bébé (The Lady Is Willing) |
Dr. Corey T. McBain Principal |
1942 |
Au Pays du rythme (Star Spangled Rhythm) |
Fred MacMurray Secondaire |
1941 |
Dive Bomber |
Lieutenant Commandant Joe Blake Principal |
13 |
1 |
1940 |
Les révoltés du Clermont (Little Old New York) |
Charles Brownne Principal |
1940 |
L'aventure d'une nuit (Remember the Night) |
John Sargent Principal |
14.26 |
4 |
1940 |
Trop de maris (Too Many Husbands) |
Bill Cardew Principal |
1937 |
La folle confession (True Confession) |
Kenneth Bartlett Principal |
1937 |
Trompette blues (Swing High, Swing Low) |
Skid Johnson Principal |
1936 |
Une princesse à bord (The Princess Comes Across) |
Joe King Mantell Principal |
1936 |
Thirteen Hours by Air |
K Principal |
1936 |
La fille du bois maudit (The Trail of the Lonesome Pine) |
Jack Hale Principal |
14 |
1 |
1935 |
Je veux me marier (The Bride Comes Home) |
Cyrus Anderson Principal |
1935 |
Jeux de mains (Hands across the table) |
Theodore "Ted" Drew III Principal |
14 |
2 |
1935 |
Désirs secrets (Alice Adams) |
Arthur Russell Principal |
13 |
1 |
1935 |
Aller et retour (The Gilded Lily) |
Peter Dawes Principal |