1968 |
Il y a un homme dans le lit de maman (With Six You Get Eggroll) |
Abby McClure Principal |
13 |
3 |
1968 |
Le ranch de l'injustice (The Ballad of Josie) |
Josie Minick Principal |
10 |
1 |
1968 |
Que faisiez-vous quand les lumières se sont éteintes ? (Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?) |
Margaret Garrison Principal |
1967 |
Opération Caprice (Caprice) |
Patricia Foster Principal |
1966 |
La blonde défie le FBI (The Glass Bottom Boat) |
Jennifer Nelson Principal |
15 |
1 |
1964 |
Ne m'envoyez pas de fleurs (Send Me no Flowers) |
Judy Kimball Principal |
13.76 |
8 |
1963 |
Le piment de la vie (The Thrill of It All) |
Beverly Boyer Principal |
14.34 |
3 |
1963 |
Pousse-toi, chérie (Move Over, Darling) |
Ellen Wagstaff Arden Principal |
16 |
1 |
1962 |
Jumbo, la sensation du cirque (Billy Rose's Jumbo) |
Kitty Wonder Principal |
1962 |
Un soupçon de vison (That Touch of Mink) |
Cathy Timberlake Principal |
14.42 |
7 |
1961 |
Un pyjama pour deux (Lover Come Back) |
Carol Templeton Principal |
14.14 |
7 |
1960 |
Ne mangez pas les marguerites (Please Don't Eat the Daisies) |
Kate Robinson Mackay Principal |
1960 |
Piège à minuit (Midnight Lace) |
Kit Preston Principal |
15 |
5 |
1959 |
Confidences sur l'oreiller (Pillow Talk) |
Jan Morrow Principal |
15 |
15 |
1959 |
Train, amour et crustacés (It Happened to Jane) |
Jane Osgood Principal |
16 |
1 |
1958 |
Père malgré lui (The Tunnel of Love) |
Isolde Poole Principal |
1958 |
Le Chouchou du professeur (Teacher's Pet) |
Erica Stone Principal |
11.66 |
3 |
1957 |
Pique-nique en pyjama (The Pajama Game) |
Babe Williams Principal |
16.5 |
2 |
1956 |
Le diabolique Monsieur Benton (Julie) |
Julie Benton Principal |
1956 |
L'homme qui en savait trop (The Man Who Knew Too Much) |
Josephine "Jo" Conway McKenna Principal |
14.5 |
102 |
1955 |
Les pièges de la passion (Love Me or Leave Me) |
Ruth Etting Principal |
12.5 |
2 |
1954 |
Un amour pas comme les autres (1954) (Young at Heart) |
Laurie Tuttle Principal |
14.34 |
3 |
1953 |
La blonde du Far-West (Calamity Jane) |
Calamity Jane Principal |
12.5 |
4 |
1952 |
Avril à Paris (April in Paris) |
Ethel S. "Dynamite" Jackson Principal |
12 |
1 |
1951 |
Storm Warning |
Lucy Rice Secondaire |
1950 |
La femme aux chimères (Young Man with a Horn) |
Jo Jordan Principal |
12 |
1 |
1949 |
Les travailleurs du chapeau (It's a Great Feeling) |
Judy Adams Principal |
1948 |
Romance à Rio (Romance on the High Seas) |
Georgia Garrett Principal |