1962 |
Les Liaisons coupables (The Chapman Report) | 125 | | |
1962 |
Le jour le plus long (The Longest Day)  | 178 | 15.34 | 262 |
1961 |
Le Grand risque (The Big gamble) | 100 | | |
1961 |
Sanctuaire (Sanctuary)  | 90 | 10 | 1 |
1960 |
Drame dans un miroir (Crack in the Mirror) | 100 | | |
1958 |
Les Racines du ciel (The Roots of Heaven) | 127 | 13 | 1 |
1958 |
Le Barbare et la Geisha (The Barbarian and the Geisha)  | 105 | 12.33 | 6 |
1954 |
L'égyptien (The Egyptian)  | 139 | 11.88 | 8 |
1952 |
Les neiges du Kilimandjaro (The Snows of Kilimanjaro)  | 114 | 10.71 | 7 |
1952 |
Viva Zapata ! (Viva Zapata!)  | 113 | 14.64 | 14 |
1951 |
On murmure dans la ville (People Will Talk)  | 110 | 13.23 | 13 |
1950 |
Eve (All About Eve)  | 138 | 15.72 | 54 |
1950 |
La Porte s'ouvre (No way out) | 106 | 14 | 1 |
1949 |
Un homme de fer (Twelve O'Clock High)  | 132 | 10 | 2 |
1947 |
Le mur invisible (Gentleman's Agreement)  | 118 | 12.67 | 3 |
1947 |
L'Extravagante Miss Pilgrim (The Shocking Miss Pilgrim) | 80 | | |
1946 |
Le fil du rasoir (1946) (The Razor's Edge)  | 145 | 12 | 1 |
1944 |
Wilson (1944)  | 154 | | |
1942 |
Pilotes de chasse (Thunder Birds) | 78 | | |
1941 |
La route au tabac (Tobacco Road)  | 84 | 13 | 1 |
1941 |
Le Chevalier de la vengeance (Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake) | 100 | | |
1941 |
Arènes sanglantes (Blood and Sand) | 125 | 11.5 | 2 |
1941 |
Qu'elle était verte ma vallée (How Green Was My Valley)  | 118 | 14.67 | 18 |
1940 |
Les Raisins de la colère (The Grapes of Wrath)  | 129 | 15.03 | 78 |
1940 |
Le retour de Frank James (The Return of Frank James) | 92 | 11.92 | 12 |
1940 |
La Belle Écuyère (Chad Hanna) | 90 | | |
1940 |
L'oiseau bleu (The Blue Bird) | 88 | 16.33 | 6 |
1940 |
Sous le ciel d'Argentine (Down Argentine Way) | 89 | | |
1940 |
The Great Profile | 82 | | |
1939 |
La Mousson (The Rains Came) | 103 | | |
1939 |
Sur la piste des Mohawks (Drums along the Mohawk) | 103 | 13.22 | 9 |
1939 |
Stanley et Livingstone (Stanley and Livingstone) | 101 | 12 | 1 |
1939 |
Vers sa destinée (Young Mr Lincoln) | 100 | 14.33 | 6 |
1939 |
The Story of Alexander Graham Bell | 98 | | |
1939 |
Le brigand bien-aimé (Jesse James)  | 106 | 12.4 | 5 |
1938 |
Kentucky | 96 | | |
1938 |
Pour un million (I'll Give a Million) | 70 | | |
1938 |
L'île des angoisses (Gateway) | 75 | | |
1938 |
Mam'zelle vedette (Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm) | 80 | 10 | 1 |
1938 |
L'incendie de Chicago (In Old Chicago)  | 95 | | |
1937 |
Le Dernier négrier (Slave Ship) | 92 | | |
1937 |
Patrouille en mer (Submarine Patrol) | 90 | | |
1937 |
Nancy Steele a disparu ! (Nancy Steele Is Missing!) | 84 | | |
1936 |
Je n'ai pas tué Lincoln (Prisoner of Shark Island) | 85 | 14 | 1 |
1936 |
Sous deux drapeaux (Under Two Flag) | 105 | | |
1936 |
White Fang | 70 | | |
1936 |
Les chemins de la gloire (The Road to Glory) | 100 | 12.5 | 2 |
1936 |
Pauvre petite fille riche (Poor Little Rich Girl) | 79 | | |
1936 |
Un message à Garcia (A Message to Garcia) | 107 | | |
1935 |
Les Misérables  | 108 | 14 | 1 |
1935 |
L'appel de la forêt (Call of the Wild) | 95 | 13 | 1 |
1935 |
Folies Bergère de Paris | 82 | | |
1934 |
Born to Be Bad (1934)  | 62 | | |
1934 |
La maison des Rothschild (The House of Rothschild)  | 88 | 13 | 1 |
1934 |
Les amours de Cellini (The Affairs of Cellini) | 86 | | |
1933 |
42ème rue (42nd Street)  | 89 | 13.75 | 4 |
1932 |
Vingt mille ans sous les verrous (20,000 Years in Sing Sing) | 78 | | |
1932 |
Une allumette pour trois (Three on a Match) | 63 | 13.67 | 3 |
1932 |
The Man Who Played God | 80 | | |
1928 |
L'Arche de Noé (1928) (Noah's Ark) | 80 | | |
1927 |
Le chanteur de jazz (1927) (The Jazz Singer)  | 88 | 13.5 | 8 |
1925 |
L'Eventail de Lady Windermere (Lady Windermere's Fan) | 86 | 11 | 1 |