1989 |
Always, Pour toujours (Always)  | 122 | 13 | 102 |
1973 |
Complot à Dallas (Executive Action) | 91 | 12.25 | 4 |
1973 |
Papillon  | 151 | 15.59 | 118 |
1971 |
Johnny s'en va-t-en guerre (Johnny Got His Gun)  | 111 | 15.25 | 36 |
1971 |
Les Cavaliers (The Horsemen) | 109 | 12.4 | 5 |
1968 |
L'homme de Kiev (The Fixer) | 132 | 13.33 | 3 |
1966 |
Hawai (Hawaii) | 189 | 11 | 1 |
1962 |
Seuls sont les indomptés (Lonely Are the Brave) | 107 | 14.29 | 17 |
1961 |
El Perdido (The Last Sunset) | 100 | 13.93 | 15 |
1960 |
Spartacus  | 197 | 14.74 | 182 |
1960 |
Exodus (1960)  | 208 | 13.5 | 14 |
1958 |
Terreur au Texas (Terror in a Texas Town) | 80 | | |
1958 |
Cowboy (Cow-boy) | 92 | 16 | 2 |
1956 |
Les clameurs se sont tues (The Brave One (1957))  | 100 | | |
1956 |
The Boss | 89 | 12 | 1 |
1955 |
Condamné au silence (The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell) | 100 | 14 | 3 |
1953 |
Vacances romaines (Roman Holiday)  | 118 | 15.86 | 117 |
1950 |
Le Démon des armes (Gun Crazy) | 86 | 15 | 4 |
1945 |
Nos vignes ont de tendres grappes (Our Vines Have Tender Grapes) | 105 | | |
1944 |
Trente secondes sur Tokyo (Thirty Seconds over Tokyo) | 138 | 14.67 | 3 |
1943 |
Un nommé Joe (A Guy Named Joe) | 122 | 8.5 | 2 |
1943 |
Tender Comrade | 102 | | |
1942 |
The Remarkable Andrew | 81 | | |
1940 |
Kitty Foyle (Kitty Foyle: The Natural History of a Woman)  | 108 | | |
1940 |
Curtain Call | 63 | | |
1940 |
A Bill of Divorcement | 74 | | |
1939 |
Sorority House | 64 | | |