When You Turn the Corner

Motungileul dolmyeon

Un téléfilm
Avec Corée du Sud Jung Gun Joo et Corée du Sud Choi Hee Jin


Titre(s) alternatif(s)

모퉁이를 돌면
KSB 드라마 스페셜 15: 모퉁이를 돌면
KBS Deulama seupeshyeol 15: Motungileul dolmyeon
KBS Drama Special 15: When You Turn the Corner

Date de sortie

3 décembre 2024 (TV)
Plus d'infos


The story of Seo Hu, a member of the Road View filming team who went through a painful breakup, and Eun Ha, who searches for her father who was caught on Road View, stumbles her way through the path of separation and entering the alley of love.
(source : mydramalist)

Drama Spécial

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